Alcorcón with Ukraine information
Initiatives to support the Ukrainian people
Ukrainian refugees from Alcorcón will be able to learn Spanish for Ukrainians thanks to the first call for scholarships from Banco Santander and UNED
- From the Department of Education it is reported that the main objective of this program is that those welcomed in Spain from Ukraine obtain an A1 level of linguistic comprehension of Spanish. For this reason, they invite all the Ukrainian refugees in our city to benefit from this first call or in the subsequent ones planned.
- This is a course aimed at 250 Ukrainian people in a reception situation throughout Spain so that they can acquire a basic level of Spanish, of which 45 fall in Madrid Sur, for which classrooms in Parla, Valdemoro and Alcorcón have been set up. .
Ukrainian refugees from our city will be able to learn Spanish through the first edition of Santander Languages Scholarships - Spanish for Ukrainians promoted by Banco Santander and UNED. From the Department of Education it is reported that the main objective of this program is that those welcomed in Spain from Ukraine obtain an A1 level of linguistic comprehension of Spanish.
For this reason, they invite all the Ukrainian refugees in our city to benefit from this first call or in the subsequent ones planned. This is a course aimed at 250 Ukrainian people in a reception situation throughout Spain so that they can acquire a basic level of Spanish, of which 45 fall in Madrid Sur, for which classrooms in Parla, Valdemoro and Alcorcón have been set up. .
The classes will be face-to-face in the morning, although you can opt for online training, in which case it would not be necessary to go to the classroom. The course will consist of 9 didactic units spread over a total of 50 class hours.
This first edition of the Course will take place between May 9 and June 3, 2022 (both dates included) and will be taught synchronously in groups of between 15/20 students.
Later, new calls will come out, foreseeably for the months of June and July. Those interested can register through the following link: https://app.becas-santander.com/es/program/becas-santander-idiomasespanol-para-ucranianos
Alcorcón promotes various campaigns and services in support of the Ukrainian people: requests volunteers who speak Ukrainian to accompany refugees

- “Today our city has 145 more Ukrainians, that is, 2,363 of whom 96 (66%) are women and 49 (33%) are men; It should also be noted that there are 69 minors among the new registrants," said the mayoress, Natalia de Andrés.
- In this sense, he explained that “we have attended from Social Services to 195 people who come from 61 families; The needs that they have raised are mainly accommodation, psychological support, language, financial aid, school registration and maintenance…”.
Alcorcón continues to develop various initiatives in support of the Ukrainian people both from the municipal services and by channeling the solidarity aid of the citizens of Alcorcón, as explained by the mayoress, Natalia de Andrés.
“Today our city has 145 more Ukrainians, that is, 2,363 of whom 96 (66%) are women and 49 (33%) are men; It should also be noted that there are 69 minors among the new registered residents”, the mayoress pointed out.
In this sense, he explained that “we have attended from Social Services to 195 people who come from 61 families; The needs that they have raised are mainly accommodation, psychological support, language, financial aid, school registration and maintenance…”.
"Given this situation, we are acting in coordination with different social entities of the municipality," he explained, "two coordination meetings have already been held with these social entities that are part of the monitoring table for the care of refugee families from Ukraine."
This table, made up of the Alcorcón Red Cross, the National Association of Psychologists in Action of Spain, the Integra Sport Foundation, Cáritas Diocesana de Getafe, Solidaridad sin Fronteras and the San Ricardo Pampuri association, among others, in addition to the City Council, has the objective of coordinate actions and maximize the resources available to all these people from the municipality.
On the other hand, Natalia de Andrés has reported that "we have held meetings with different social agents such as the Red Cross, the Movement for Peace and other organizations to put the necessary and available resources on the table."
In addition, the mayoress has announced the launch of a “campaign to recruit volunteers who speak Ukrainian to accompany these people in procedures, medical consultations and in different needs that arise on a day-to-day basis; because one of the main current drawbacks is the language barrier”. For this reason, it has encouraged "all the neighbors who know the language to volunteer to accompany all these people in the different resources and facilitate their access to services."
Alcorcón promotes various initiatives in support of the Ukrainian population after the invasion of the Russian Federation
Among the initiatives, the collaboration with various entities of the city in the dissemination and implementation of aid campaigns for the Ukrainian population stands out, the training of a team of professionals for the immediate care of refugees from Ukraine, as well as the holding a charity festival in the coming weeks to raise funds, the details of which will be published shortly.
"In addition, we have contacted the various departments of the Community of Madrid in order to find out about the reception protocols and health, social and educational care promoted to care for this population," said the mayoress of Alcorcón, Natalia de Andrew.
Alcorcón City Council has launched various initiatives in support of the Ukrainian population in order to alleviate as far as possible the effects of the war caused by the invasion of the Russian Federation. Among the initiatives, the collaboration with various entities of the city in the dissemination and implementation of aid campaigns for the Ukrainian population stands out, the training of a team of professionals for the immediate care of refugees from Ukraine, as well as the holding a charity festival in the coming weeks to raise funds, the details of which will be published shortly.
"In addition, we have contacted the various departments of the Community of Madrid in order to find out about the reception protocols and health, social and educational care promoted to care for this population," said the mayoress of Alcorcón, Natalia de Andrew.
The Alcorcón City Council has launched an emergency device that includes the training of a team of professionals for the immediate care of people arriving from Ukraine to our city.
The team of professionals belongs to the Department of Social Services and Public Health and is trained in social matters and are experts in welcoming and accompanying displaced people and people in vulnerable situations. With the aim of reinforcing the social team, professionals from other departments will join to ensure coordination and transversality in care.
"In this way, a stable and urgent procedure is launched to cover the basic social needs of the people who are already arriving in our city", highlighted the mayoress.
In addition, an urgent meeting has been called for the Alcorcón Refuge Situations Monitoring Table, where institutions and entities of a social nature that are in the municipality and with which they usually work with vulnerable groups are represented. On this occasion, the meeting will focus on inter-institutional coordination to guarantee the union of efforts in a common commitment so that Alcorcón receives people fleeing the war in the best conditions.
For all these reasons, to attend to the people affected, a telephone number and exclusive hours have been set up 628711293 – Monday to Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Thursday and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., as well as the email urgencyacogidaukraine @ayto-alcorcon.es direct contact.
In addition, the Alcorcón City Council collaborates in the dissemination of various solidarity campaigns such as the one promoted by the Casa Nativa store, located at Avenida Portugal 13 (local B) collects food and medicines for Ukraine. In addition, the Ukrainian Orthodox parish, at 30 Sahagún Street, also collects all kinds of aid from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays, and from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Sundays.