Municipal Government Board

Municipal Government Board
La Junta de Gobierno Local de Alcorcón es el órgano del Ayuntamiento que, bajo la presidencia de la Alcaldía, colabora de forma colegiada en la función de dirección política que a esta corresponde y ejerce las funciones ejecutivas y administrativas que le atribuyen las leyes y que hacen posible la gestión diaria de la ciudad: proyectos de ordenanzas y reglamentos, concesión de licencias, contrataciones, aprobación de gastos, oferta pública de empleo, aprobación de los instrumentos de planeamiento, nombramientos y todas aquellas establecidas en la Ley 7/1985, de 2 de abril, Reguladora de las Bases del Régimen Local y su normativa de desarrollo.
Este órgano se reúne, de forma ordinaria, una vez a la semana en sesiones no públicas y en ella participan los Tenientes de Alcaldesa, así como los demás concejales designados por la Alcaldía, que es quien la convoca y preside.
Concejal-Secretario de la Junta de Gobierno Local
- La Secretaría de la Junta de Gobierno Local corresponderá a uno de sus Concejales miembros designado por la Alcaldía, quien redactará las actas de las sesiones y certificará sobre sus acuerdos.
- El Concejal-Secretario, a instancia de la Alcaldía, elaborará el orden del día. Sólo por razones de urgencia apreciada por la Alcaldía podrán adoptarse acuerdos respecto de asuntos no contenidos en el orden del día.
- En casos de ausencia o enfermedad del Concejal-Secretario, éste será sustituido por el Concejal miembro que determine la Alcaldía.
The Local Government Board is the executive body of the City Council. It meets once a week. The Deputy Mayors and other Councilors and General Directors appointed by the Mayor, who is the one who summons and presides over it, participate in it.
The Board has the powers that make the city government possible on a day-to-day basis: ordinances, regulations, licenses, hiring, approval of expenses, public job offer, appointments... Its sessions are not public.
Minutes of the Local Government Board
Agendas of the Local Government Board
The Local Government Board Support Office
The Secretary of the Local Government Board will correspond to one of its Government Councilors who also meets the condition of Councilor, appointed by the Mayor, who will write the minutes of the sessions and certify their agreements.
The Councilor-Secretary, at the request of the Mayor, will prepare the agenda. Only for reasons of urgency appreciated by the Mayor may agreements be adopted regarding matters not contained in the agenda.
In cases of absence or illness of the Councilor-Secretary, he will be replaced by the Councilor member determined by the Mayor.
The Support Office for the Local Government Board and its Councillor-Secretary.
The Office of the Local Government Board is the body that supports the Councilor-Secretary and the Board itself. It depends organically on the Mayor's Office and functionally on the Councilor-Secretary.
The head of the Office is a management body, he will be appointed from among local Administration officials with national authorization and his functions will be the following:
- Assistance to the Councilor-Secretary of the Local Government Board.
- Referral of the calls to the members of the Local Government Board.
- The filing and custody of the calls, agendas and minutes of the meetings.
- Ensure the correct and faithful communication of their agreements.
The head of the Office exercises the functions of public faith of the acts and agreements of the unipersonal bodies; and other functions of public faith, except those that are attributed to the General Secretary of the Plenary, the Councilor-Secretary of the Local Government Board and the Secretary of the Board of Directors of public business entities.
The head of the Support Office of the Local Government Board, as well as the Secretary General of the Plenary, within their respective fields of action, must send to the State Administration and that of the Autonomous Community, a copy or, in its abstract case, of the acts and agreements of the decision-making bodies of the City Council, when it is mandatory and in the legally stipulated manner.