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Good Government
Ethical and Business Principles
Article 1 of the Ley de Bases del Régimen Local describes municipalities as the basic entities of the territorial organisation of the State and immediate channels for citizen participation in public affairs, and the preamble to the Ley de transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno (Law on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance) points to transparency as the fundamental axis of all political action and the beginning of a process of participation by public authorities.
Citizens must be able to count on public servants who adjust their actions to the principles of efficiency, austerity, impartiality and, above all, responsibility.
Countries with higher standards of transparency and good governance have stronger institutions, which foster economic growth and social development. In these countries, citizens are better able to judge the capacity of their public officials and decide accordingly. Enabling better oversight of public activity contributes to the necessary democratic regeneration, promotes the efficiency and effectiveness of the State and favours economic growth.
Alcorcón Town Council is a member of the Network of Local Entities for Transparency and Citizen Participation of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces.
Alcorcón Town Council is totally and absolutely committed to bringing our institution closer and making it visible, transparent and accessible to all our neighbours, giving them the opportunity to express their opinion and take part in the most important decisions that affect their interests, and all this with the understanding that transparency and good governance are essential values for our Town Council to be considered as its own, close and open to the expectations, needs and perceptions of the citizens.
On the basis of these axes of transparency, participation and responsibility, the Plenary on 12 November 2020, approved the achievement of a series of agreements, which will see the light of day as the backbone of the principles set out in succession, and will allow this necessary citizen/City Council relationship to be strengthened.
The first of these agreements was reached following the approval by the Plenary on 21 December 2020, of the adhesion of our City Council to the Code of Good Local Government of the Federation of Municipalities and Provinces.
Adherence to this instrument involves the incorporation of the principles of Good Local Governance to political managers and municipal management staff, establishing standards of conduct and responsibility for the improvement of local democracy and ethical commitments in terms of conflicts of interest, which is completed with the regime of incompatibilities and remuneration.
The inclusion by the City Council of the Code of Good Local Governance in its internal regulations, has a clear vocation in time, from the consideration that, from 21 December 2020, any new incorporation of a public office, assumption of political responsibility or executive function in the organisation, will require prior subscription to the Code.
(access to attached document 20201221ACUERDOPLENOADHESIONCODIGOBUENGOBIERNOFEMP.pdf)
(access to the attached document named CODIGODEBUENGOBIERNOLOCALDELAFEMP.pdf)
setting up an anti-fraud committee and an anti-fraud unit (access to document attached under the name 20220405ACUERDOJGLCONSTITUCIONOGFEYCOMITEANTIFRAUD.pdf)
(access to the document attached under name TITULOIILEY192013-9-DIC.-TRANSPARENCIA.pdf)