Get to know us
Get to know us
The Municipal Archive is a general and transversal service of the Municipal Administration. Its functions include the systematization of the City Council's document management and the collection, organization, dissemination and conservation of documents generated by the municipal administration in any format, both digital and analog. It also accepts collections from residents and institutions that may be of relevant interest to the history of the municipality.
The Municipal Archive is also a founding member of the Group of Archivists of the Community of Madrid (GAMM) and of the Local Administration Working Group of the Archives Council of the Community of Madrid.
The obligation for municipalities to keep their documents dates back to the time of the Catholic Monarchs and their Royal Decree of 1500 and 1501, which established that documents should be kept in “the ark of privileges”. Since then, municipalities have fulfilled this function.
- 19th century
As was tradition, the City Council's documentary collections were kept in the Town Hall building under the custody of the General Secretary, and this was the case in Alcorcón. Unfortunately, in 1877 the Town Hall building collapsed and it seems that all the documents were lost.
- 20th century
From 1877 to 1940, hardly any documents have been preserved, since, according to a document, the Municipal Archive was destroyed during the Civil War. The documents generated by the City Council were kept in the attic of the building constructed in 1973. Later, they were placed outside the building, to return to the Town Hall in 1989.
The Archive has had qualified personnel since 1984. In 1993, the Archive and Documentation Section was created, reporting to the Department of Human Resources and Quality of Services.
The Municipal Archive Regulations approved at the Plenary Session of 31 January 1996 grant custody to the Head of the Archive and Documentation Section.
- 21st Century
Currently, the offices and two Archive depots are located in the Nejapa Building, a depot on Avenida de Lisboa and an Intermediate Archive in the Town Hall.
Since 2018, the Municipal Archives, together with New Technologies of the Alcorcón City Council, have been working hand in hand to implement electronic document management. The Municipal Classification Table has served as the basis for the implementation of electronic procedures.
In May 2021, the Archive and Documentation Section will be transformed into the Municipal Archive Service.

What you can find
The Municipal Archive has approximately more than 31,000 archive boxes, 4 planners, 800 registration books, 500 magnetic tapes, 50 DVDs and 300,000 images of photographs and digitalized documents (more information here ), which collect all the procedures that have been carried out in the City Council since 1878.
You can find projects for almost all of Alcorcón's buildings, shops and leisure centres, schools, cultural centres..., all the posters, announcements and communications issued by the Town Hall, photographs of various events carried out and of the municipality, registers of inhabitants, tax records, municipal budgets, health, education, environmental documents, celebrations, minutes of Plenary Sessions...
If you are looking for a plan for your house, or if you need a copy of an electrical bulletin, we can help you. We are a public service with the vocation to help all the citizens of Alcorcón.
Our collection covers practically all aspects of the life of the people of Alcorcón. To find out what kind of documents we have, you can consult the Classification Chart of the Municipal Archives .

Frequently Asked Questions
No. Some documents are disposed of in the offices themselves or in the Municipal Archive. However, the destruction must have been previously approved by a competent body. Currently, this must be the Archives Council of the Community of Madrid.
In addition, disposal must be secure, using paper shredders.
The oldest document is not municipal, it is this printed document from 1828. The first municipal document that we have is this declaration of livestock for the Cadastre of Rural and Livestock Wealth from 1879.
Our archive on social networks 
The Municipal Archive of Alcorcón is present on several social networks:
- X (Twitter): archAlcorcon
- Facebook: @archivoMunicipaldeAlcorcón
- Tiktok: arcmunalcorcon
- Instagram: @archivomunicipalalcorcon
Alcorcon Living Memory
Origin of the project
In October 2016, the Mayor of Alcorcón, David Pérez, who was interested in the history of Alcorcón, visited the Municipal Archive. After consulting the collections, he decided that they should be made available to residents and interested parties. A few days later he created #AlcorcónMemoriaViva and began to disseminate it through his own Twitter account. This established a collaboration with the Municipal Archive and the Department of Culture. Given the interest shown by the citizens of Alcorcón, historians and the general public, in June 2017 the Municipal Archive opened its own Twitter account and began to manage the project directly.
The aim is to show and remember, through graphic or text documents, those events that have marked our no longer so short history.