There are various publications related to Alcorcón that help us to understand its history. To the extent that we can and always respecting copyright, we will offer them to you. We intend for it to be a dynamic and participatory section.
If you know of any publications that may be of interest and that do not appear here, we would appreciate it if you could send them to us.
We have divided these publications into two sections:
Selection of images from the Archive
These are some of the graphic documents that we have in our collections. Clicking on the image will take you to a full-size version.
The Archive tells you...
Learn about the history of Alcorcón from the Archive. Here you will find texts related to the history, life or buildings of our city.
Click on the images to access a selection of texts. The rest can be consulted using the drop-down menu below.
Years 2019-2025
In this section we are including contributions received by the Municipal Archives that deal with the history or aspects of life in Alcorcón.
We put at your disposal the texts sent by Francisco José Francos Sevilla . To access them, you only have to click on the image.