Culture and participation

Copia de Culture, Participation and Seniors Council
Culture, participation and art are signs of identity, spaces for creation and diversity, opportunities for development and social cohesion. The city of Alcorcón deserves to occupy an important space as a benchmark for cultural action in the Community of Madrid and the rest of Spain. With this mission, the conception considers the following objectives.

- Facilitate access to culture for the entire population, quantitatively and qualitatively improving cultural consumption and presenting citizens with a wide range of services and cultural activities that stimulate cultural demand.
- Stimulate cultural creation through a creation promotion plan articulated in training and support for creators.
- Promote local culture and generate features of collective identity, as well as preserve heritage, understanding as such not only the architectural or historical but also customs, collective memory or the identity of the city.
- Promote the local from the here and now, creating signs of collective identity, supporting local creators or facilitating citizen meeting points, always from the interest and knowledge of other realities, to enrich ourselves.

- Strengthen the socio-cultural fabric and encourage their participation in municipal cultural policy. Strengthen informal associations, contributing to citizen encounter, socialization and recovery of the street and public spaces. Promote formal associationism.
- Revitalize the wide network of cultural infrastructures available to the municipality, with a maintenance and rehabilitation plan; providing it with the necessary investments to make it accessible and effective, and respond in its operation to a general plan and to the projects and cultural programs that must be developed in the medium and long term.
- Guarantee that the municipal cultural policy attends to all citizens; attend to the cultural peculiarities of the populations by age, gender, multicultural or diverse abilities, as well as guarantee territorial balance between the different neighborhoods of the city.
- Establish fluid channels of communication between the city council and citizens.
For information on the Department of Culture, Participation and the Elderly, you can obtain it at:
phone 916 64 85 02
homeMunicipal Center of the Arts-Theater Buero Vallejo (C/Robles s/n)
Social Networks:
Twitter @alcorconcultura
Facebook: CulturayParticipacioncon_AytoAlcorcon
Online ticket sales:
The Theater belongs to the Network of Theaters of the Community of Madrid
- Cultura, Festejos y Fiestas locales en general.
- Desarrollo, promoción, programación, gestión y cesión de espacios de los Centros Culturales y Museos. Centro del Títere.
- Promoción cultural y aulas de cultura en general. Bibliotecas.
- Exposiciones.
- Concursos y Certámenes en el ámbito de las materias asignadas.
- Conciertos y actuaciones musicales.
- Espectáculos teatrales.
- Proyecciones y restantes actividades cinematográficas.
- Bailes.
- Conferencias y coloquios.
- Ferias del libro, artesanía y, en general, cuantas tengan un contenido cultural.
- Gestión del Patrimonio Histórico Artístico, sin perjuicio de las funciones
- establecidas para la Concejalía Delegada de Desarrollo Económico.
- Materias relativas a Mayores, Pensionistas y Jubilados, y más concretamente:
- Información y asesoramiento a la tercera edad.
- Programas para personas mayores.
- Residencia, Hogares y Centros para mayores, pensionistas y jubilados.
- Organización de actos y actividades, viajes, balnearios, etc.…, con destino específico a personas mayores.

- home Centro Municipal de las Artes-Teatro Buero Vallejo
- place C/ Robles, s/n, 28922, Alcorcón, Madrid
- phone 916 64 85 02
- email
Venta de entradas online:
El Teatro pertenece a la Red de Teatros de la Comunidad de Madrid.

Municipal Centre for Artes - Teatro Buero Vallejo
Culture and participation

Municipal Centre for Artes - Teatro Buero Vallejo

Senior Citizens' Centre Salvador Allende