Concejalía de Seguridad
Concejalía de Seguridad

Copia de Copia de Security, Internal Organization and Citizen Attention Council


In the area of security, the competencies consist of drawing up and updating emergency plans for the whole city, as well as the daily attention to the security of the citizens by the different services, assigning the necessary personnel.

Municipal Police: Management of the Municipal Police and its members, establishment of the general guidelines for action of the Security Services, coordination with the other services of the council, among others.

Fire Service: Direction and management of these matters and its personnel, setting objectives, approving action plans, sending troops and material to any place in the national territory where there has been an incident that due to its magnitude is considered a catastrophe and evaluating the action plans established for this service, among others.

Civil Protection: Approval of Civil Protection Plans, Management and Coordination of actions in emergency situations in the municipality, approval of action plans and the necessary resources, and evaluation of the execution of the action plans established for this service, among others.

Our Councilor
Candelaria Testa Romero
PSOE militant