You can collect the licence for the first time or for renewal, in person at the Town Hall of Alcorcón, (Pza. Reyes de España, nº- 1), or by downloading the documents through this website.

The procedure allows you to obtain or renew the licence that the owner of potentially dangerous animals must apply for in order to keep them. Any person who drives a potentially dangerous dog in public spaces requires a licence issued by the Town Council. This licence is personal and non-transferable and must be renewed every 5 years, as if it were the first time.
A potentially dangerous dog is considered to be a dog that due to its breed type, aggressive nature, size or jaw strength has the capacity to cause death or injury to people or other animals and to cause damage to public or private property.
a) Those belonging to one of the following breeds or their crossbreeds:
b) Those who have had episodes of aggression towards people or other dogs..
c) Those who have been trained for attack and defence.
d) Those with characteristics corresponding to all or most of those mentioned in Annex II to Royal Decree 287/2002 of 22 March 2002:
You can collect the licence for the first time or for renewal, in person at the Town Hall of Alcorcón, (Pza. Reyes de España, nº- 1), or by downloading the documents through this website.
Fill in the application form, the declaration of not having been sanctioned, the authorisation to ask for a criminal record (in case the applicant does not provide it) and the test of the dog's character and knowledge of the legislation.
The original or certified photocopy of the documents requested in the application must be attached to the application.
Once completed and with all the documentation complete, present it signed and in duplicate at the General Registry of the Town Hall (Plaza de los Reyes de España, nº 1) from Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 7.00pm (except July, August and from 22nd December to 8th January which will be from 8:30 to 14:00)".
Subsequently, once the details of the application have been checked, the Town Hall will send you the licence card to your home address, in the case of concession or renewal, or will inform you of its refusal if it has not been granted.
Person of legal age, the owner of the animal or any person who must drive a dog considered potentially dangerous through public space, and who is not unable to provide the necessary care to the animal. That includes all members of the family unit who have to bring the dog and also the people who walk them. You must also meet the following requirements:
Ley 50/1999, de 23 de diciembre, on the legal regime governing the keeping of potentially dangerous animals.
Real Decreto 287/2002, de 22 de marzo, which implements Law 50/1999.
Decreto 30/2003 de 13 de marzo, of the Community of Madrid.