Public consultation on the modification of the ordinance regulating complementary aid for the improvement of
the living conditions of the housing for elderly and/or disabled people of the City Council
Municipal Social Services are the gateway to the Public System of Social Services and its benefits in Alcorcón, whether they are municipal or belong to other Administrations.
Social Services are aimed at the entire population, with the specific needs of individuals determining the type of service required, which may vary depending on the group to which they belong (family, elderly, people with disabilities, immigrants, minors, etc.).
Municipal Social Services Centres have multidisciplinary professional teams that provide social care to citizens, assess the needs of people based on their situation and assist them in accessing the resources and benefits of this public system.
A person requiring social support will be assigned a reference social worker to provide personalized attention to their social problems and needs, thus ensuring the coherence and comprehensiveness required in the social intervention process.
Featured Information

Programming of activities of the Community Intervention and Neighborhood Mediation Service for the month of November 2024

Listen to the message of our volunteers and join our project to build a more just and supportive society

#MismoSueño awareness campaign, carried out by SSF within the framework of the EPIC project in collaboration with the Alcorcón City Council
Primary Social Care

Social care and support services aimed at the entire population, provided at municipal social services centres
Home Care Services

Personal care services in the home aimed especially at the elderly and/or people with disabilities

Guidance and support for the management of procedures for the recognition of dependency status
Other Resources for the Care of Elderly and Disabled People

Residential resources for the elderly and/or people with disabilities
Financial aid

Economic benefits aimed at vulnerable people and families in need

Specific municipal services aimed at families and people with disabilities
Immigration/Foreign Affairs

Specific guidance, support and training services for immigrants

Municipal information and guidance service on volunteering
The Program organizes, coordinates and establishes the management procedures for the development of the functions of Primary Social Care and access to the benefits of the Public System of Social Services, including those specifically specific to the System for Autonomy and Care for Dependency. With the municipal social services centers as basic equipment, the program's operational instrument is the Social Work Units, attended by the reference professionals who provide guidance and social support to the users of the municipality.
Projects and action measures:
- Information, Assessment and Guidance Service,
- Socio-family intervention in the area.
- Dependency Care.
Within families, occasional crises or dysfunctional relationship problems may arise, causing discomfort among their members. These situations can be treated by qualified professionals from Municipal Social Services through the various intervention, advice and support programs for families.
The objectives of this service are as follows:
- Develop in families the ability to establish a positive functional family dynamic.
- Participate with other services in the detection of needs, for the promotion of adequate resources and services.
- Prevent situations of lack of protection for minors that impede their development, socialization and well-being, in coordination with other social institutions.
- Support families in acquiring the necessary skills in their educational roles as parents, which will allow for the proper development of their children.
- Guarantee minors the right to interact with both parents in cases of marital separation.
Access to this service requires prior assessment by a social worker at municipal social services centres, requesting an appointment by telephone or in person at the social services centre corresponding to your address.
Contact information
- home Adolfo Suárez Municipal Center
- location_on Soria crossing, 4
- phone 911 12 77 10
- email
The Alcorcón City Council's Disability Care Programme, in its current form, began in 2005 in response to the need to plan actions aimed at defending the well-being and rights of people with disabilities and their families.
With the priority of addressing the needs of people with disabilities and their full social participation, the Program has been diversifying its activities and integrating new projects under a series of fundamental principles: lifelong support, individualized attention, transversality, and governance. It also incorporates citizen awareness and networking as transversal principles in all lines of action.
The aim is to move towards a model of preventive and/or compensatory intervention on exclusion factors arising from situations of chronic illness and/or disability, in line with a new regulatory framework, which reflects the adaptation to new paradigms and global action strategies aimed at achieving the SDGs, providing formal coherence to the interventions currently developed in this municipality that revolve around both phenomena, disability and illness, comparable in their relationship with social exclusion.
The program is made up of four specific projects:
- Information, Guidance and Support.
- Attention to Families with Special Needs.
- Attention to Specific Groups.
- Associationism, Participation and Networking.
The aim of the Programme is to provide specialised attention to the foreign population in the municipality through the Intercultural Mediation Service to promote their social inclusion in the municipality by integrating a set of general guidance and support measures, support in the management of immigration procedures, awareness raising and community dynamisation.
The activities coordinated and developed by the program are:
- Reception, Mediation and Interpretation.
- Immigration procedures.
- Group training.
- Technical support to associations and networking.
Contact information
- home Adolfo Suárez Municipal Center
- location_on Soria crossing, 4
- phone 911 12 77 10
- email
The objective of the program is to promote the autonomy and comprehensive development of adolescents and young people who are in a situation of vulnerability and/or risk, in all areas of personal development and to promote the learning of social values, relationships, coexistence and respect, to encourage the realization of educational, emancipatory, positive and healthy leisure, through quality social, individual and group care based on specialization and accompaniment.
The programme also promotes and coordinates intervention in open urban environments with a regular presence on the street, with the aim of anticipating and acting on the risk factors that affect the child and youth population, extending and improving the effectiveness of the intervention of the different social services.
The programme's projects and action measures are:
- Individualized intervention (educational support, training-employment guidance, social support).
- Family support, advice and mediation.
- Group intervention (Social skills groups).
- Street Education Service.
- Adolescence and Youth Roundtable
Contact information
- home Adolfo Suárez Municipal Center
- location_on Soria crossing, 4
- phone 911 12 77 10
- mail p
The purpose of the programme is to promote coexistence and social cohesion in the city of Alcorcón, in priority areas for action, generating a sense of belonging and encouraging social participation in the municipality.
The programme aims to contribute to addressing the problems surrounding internal urban imbalances in cities, associated with the phenomena of social and cultural diversification, and the concentration of indicators of social vulnerability in degraded neighbourhoods.
It is based on direct intervention with the population in their immediate surroundings using individual and group attention, neighborhood mediation, and awareness-raising actions as essential work tools, with the aim of preventing conflicts between neighbors and cultural groups present in the municipality, promoting citizen participation and creating spaces for meeting and conflict resolution.
The projects and action measures contemplated by the Program are:
- Information, guidance and support.
- Neighbourhood Mediation and Community Intervention Service.
- Literacy and social skills development groups.
Contact information
- home Adolfo Suárez Municipal Center
- location_on Soria crossing, 4
- phone 911 12 77 10
- email
The Municipal Volunteer Program (PMV) is configured as a platform for promoting, channeling and dynamizing Voluntary Action in the municipality of Alcorcón.
Its objectives are:
- To promote and encourage volunteering in the municipality of Alcorcón, offering public and private institutions that provide citizen services a resource of volunteer services that is accessible and appropriate to their needs.
- Generate a dynamic and active network of volunteers by offering them adequate training and participation in the public life of the municipality.
- Facilitate communication and cooperation between the different social agents (volunteers, collaborating entities and public and private institutions) involved in the voluntary action of the municipality of Alcorcón.
- Promote a culture of solidarity among the residents of Alcorcón based on the analysis of their behaviour regarding voluntary actions and publishing the conclusions and good practices of volunteering.
The activities that make up the program are:
- Volunteer Information Point.
- Technical Secretariat.
- Promoting solidarity in educational centres.
Contact information
- home Adolfo Suárez Municipal Center
- location_on Soria crossing, 4
- phone 911 12 77 10
- email
NextGenerationEU Funds – MRR/PRTR

Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan - Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU
The European Council of 21 July 2020 agreed on a far-reaching package of measures. These measures bring together the reinforced multiannual financial framework (MFF) for 2021-2027 and the launch of a European Recovery Instrument ("Next Generation EU"). This European Recovery Instrument, which will involve some 140 billion euros for Spain in the form of transfers (72 billion) and loans (68 billion) for the period 2021-2026, is structured around two mechanisms: the Recovery and Resilience Facility and REACT-EU.
The execution of these funds is carried out through the Government of Spain's Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, which is articulated in four major objectives (Green Spain; Digital Spain; Spain without gender gaps; Cohesive and inclusive Spain) and ten lever policies. These lever policies are specified in 30 components. Within policy VIII ("New care economy and employment policies") is the axis entitled "Care Economy and reinforcement of equality and inclusion policies", which includes Component 22 called "Care Economy and reinforcement of equality and social inclusion policies".
In turn, on December 13, 2021, the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 of the Government of Spain and the Community of Madrid signed a Collaboration Agreement for the execution of the projects under the European Funds mentioned in component 22. The main objective of Component 22 is to modernize and strengthen Social Services and social inclusion policies. These funds are distributed territorially through the Communities, which, in turn, must establish the necessary collaboration agreements with the local entities in their area.
For this purpose, on August 2, 2022, the Collaboration Agreement was signed between the Community of Madrid, through the Ministry of Family, Youth and Social Policy and the City Council of Alcorcón, for the execution of projects with European Funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (S20_S21_S22_S33_S65). Through this Agreement, the following subprojects are financed:
- S20 “Remodeling of the Carlos Castilla del Pino Occupational Center” (C22.l1.P01)
- S33 “Technological improvement of the Social Services of Alcorcón” (C22.l2.P03)
- S65 "Improving universal accessibility in municipal Social Services Centers in Alcorcón" (C22.l3.P06)
An essential aspect in the implementation of the measures included in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan is the protection of the financial interests of the European Union against the four specific risks associated with this implementation: fraud, corruption, conflicts of interest and double financing.
Related information can be found at the following links:
With the main objective of stimulating collaboration and coordination between entities, social resources and associations that work with different social groups in Alcorcón, permanent bodies for participation, coordination and networking have been created.
Through these participation structures, technical support is provided and the foundations are laid for the development of joint action protocols that facilitate the coordination of activities, with mutual understanding and communication between social entities and the local Administration being a fundamental task. In addition, information is provided on topics that may be of interest (calls for grants and training, publications, studies, etc.) and on resources and actions that are carried out in the municipality and in the region.
Currently the networking structures established and in operation are:
- Disability Table
- Immigration Desk
- Adolescence and Youth Roundtable

Calls for applications
lock_open Open Calls
lock Calls closed
The purpose of this call for applications is to award, on a competitive basis, grants to non-profit entities that promote social inclusion projects in the city of Alcorcón aimed at vulnerable groups and/or at risk of exclusion, which complement the actions of the municipal Social Services by facilitating specialization in addressing social problems in the municipality.
This call is part of Line 1.- Social inclusion projects of the II Strategic Subsidy Plan of the Alcorcón City Council for the period 2024-2027 approved by the Local Government Board on December 29, 2023.
Who is it addressed to?
All legally constituted non-profit entities that carry out or plan to carry out actions during 2024, among those listed in art. 8, aimed at vulnerable people and/or at risk of exclusion who reside in the city of Alcorcón, may apply for these grants.
1. To obtain beneficiary status, the following requirements must be met by the requesting entities:
- To be a legally recognised non-profit organisation with a scope of action in the municipality of Alcorcón, and to have among its aims the social inclusion of vulnerable groups and/or those at risk of exclusion.
- Be registered in any official registry of non-profit entities and/or in the Municipal Registry of Citizen Participation Entities of Alcorcón.
- Not be involved in any of the situations listed in sections 2 and 3 of article 13 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies.
Activities subject to subsidy
1. The subsidies will be exclusively used for the development of activities aimed at the social inclusion of vulnerable groups and/or those at risk of social exclusion, which are carried out in the municipality of Alcorcón or whose activity has a direct impact on it (to be assessed by the competent municipal service after the entity presents an impact assessment in the municipality).
2. The projects eligible for the subsidy must necessarily fall within a single line and typology of those indicated below, excluding the rest:
LINE 1. Care for people with disabilities
1.1 Projects aimed at caring for people with disabilities: Educational support and complementary therapies; Support for families; Training, occupation and employment; Leisure, culture, sport; Awareness, participation and associationism; Universal accessibility.
LINE 2. Attention to vulnerable groups and/or those at risk of social exclusion:
2.1 Projects aimed at assisting the immigrant population: Legal advice on immigration, asylum and refuge matters; Literacy and learning of the Spanish language; Training and employment; Personal development and psychological/psychosocial support; Community intervention and awareness-raising; Comprehensive care.
2.2 Projects aimed at children and young people at risk of exclusion: School support; Personal development and psychological/psychosocial support; Educational and healthy leisure; Training and employment; Affective-sexual education; Community intervention and awareness-raising; Promotion of volunteering and solidarity; Comprehensive care.
2.3 Projects aimed at older people aimed at combating unwanted loneliness: Studies and diagnoses of the situation; Community support and/or intervention; Promotion and use of new technologies; Awareness-raising and/or promotion of volunteering and solidarity; Comprehensive care.
2.4 Fight against poverty and social exclusion: Education, training and employment; Personal development and psychosocial support; Access to housing; Reduction of the digital divide; Community intervention and awareness-raising; Comprehensive care.
Applications, deadlines and submission methods
1. Applications for a grant will be made using the model established in ANNEX I of this call in accordance with the provisions and by any of the means provided for in articles 14 and 16 of Law 39/2015 of October 1 on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, preferably through the procedure enabled in the municipal electronic headquarters .
The submission of handwritten documentation will not be accepted, nor will technical documents that do not conform to the format of the media included in this call for applications be assessed.
2. The deadline for submitting applications will be 10 working days, counted from the day following the publication of the announcement of the call in the BOCM
Each entity may only submit one project.
In addition, this call for proposals will be registered in the “National Subsidy Database” (BDNS), with the requirements set out in article 23.2 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies.
Likewise, each entity may not submit the same project to other calls promoted by this City Council.
3. When the application and the documentation submitted do not meet the established requirements, the Department of Social Services and Disability will require the interested party to rectify it within a maximum and non-extendable period of ten working days, indicating that if he does not do so, he will be deemed to have withdrawn the application, following a resolution issued in the terms provided for in article 68 of the Law.
39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
Modifications to documents already submitted will not be accepted once the submission period has ended and which have not been requested by the instructing body responsible for the grant, by means of a request for correction. In this regard, only formal aspects of the documents submitted or those that, even though required in the call for applications, have not been submitted will be rectified. The entity may not modify aspects related to the content of the annexes; if municipal technicians verify that these have occurred, all those sections that have been modified will be excluded from evaluation.
4. The applicant entities must submit the following documentation:
a) The application completed in all its sections, in accordance with the model included as ANNEX I, signed by the person holding the legal representation of the entity.
b) Documentation proving that the entity is registered in any official registry of non-profit entities and/or in the Municipal Registry of Citizen Participation Entities.
c) Statutes stating that there is no profit motive, as well as that among its institutional purposes is the performance of activities related to care for vulnerable groups and/or those at risk of exclusion.
d) Document proving the status of legal representative of the entity (appointment certificate or similar) of the natural person requesting assistance.
e) Photocopy of the National Identity Document of the legal representative.
f) Certification issued by the Secretary of the entity stating the number of active members in the municipality of Alcorcón on the date of application.
g) Photocopy of the Tax Identification Card.
h) Certification of the bank details of the requesting entity, issued (stamped and signed) by the bank branch and no more than 1 year old.
i) Project of Activities, according to ANNEX II.
j) Economic data of the Project, according to ANNEX III.
k) Responsible Declaration of the legal representative, according to ANNEX IV:
- be up to date with their obligations to the Tax Agency, Social Security and Alcorcón City Council. After the grant is awarded, this declaration will be replaced by the corresponding certification.
- not to have any outstanding obligations for the repayment of subsidies.
- not be subject to any of the prohibitions established for obtaining beneficiary status, as provided for in article 13 of the General Subsidies Law.
l) Affidavit of the legal representative according to ANNEX V:
- have the civil liability, accident, volunteer or other insurance necessary for the correct development of the project for which the grant is requested.
- to have updated Certificates of Sexual Nature Crimes of all persons involved in the development of the project, if it is aimed at minors.
- to be aware of the obligations regarding the protection of personal data and its regulatory development: updated record of processing activities, contracts with data processors, confidentiality agreements with employees and volunteers, privacy policy and consents of members and/or users, website (including legal notice, privacy and cookie policy), etc.
m) Authorization for Data Consultation, according to ANNEX VI.
All annexes must be signed by the legal representative and sealed by the entity.
5. Those entities that have submitted all or part of the documentation listed here to the Department of Social Services and Disability in the previous six months may state this circumstance in the application.
Application forms
The application forms and complementary attached models will be available at the municipal electronic headquarters
- Law 7/1985, of April 2, Regulating the Bases of Local Government.
- Law 12/2022, of December 21, on Social Services of the Community of Madrid.
- Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies
- Organic Law 2/2012, of April 27, on Budgetary Stability and Financial Sustainability.
- Law 27/2013, of December 27, on Rationalization and Sustainability of Local Administration.
- Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
- General Ordinance on Subsidies of the Alcorcón City Council ( BOCM No. 310 12/21/2020 )
- Extract from agreement 14/447, dated October 31, 2023, of the Local Government Board, approving the call ( BOCM No. 243 10/11/2024 ).
- Public call for the granting of aid to non-profit entities for the implementation of projects aimed at the social inclusion of vulnerable groups and/or at risk of exclusion during the year 2024 in the municipality of Alcorcón
The purpose of this Call is to govern the granting in 2024 of social aid aimed at supporting residents of the municipality of Alcorcón with low income levels, in order to help with housing expenses.
Who is it addressed to?
To access the aid, beneficiaries must meet the following specific requirements:
- Be registered in the municipality of Alcorcón before January 1, 2024.
- Not being cadastral owners at the time of the application assessment, of property rights, usufruct, surface area or administrative concession of any type of residential property (housing) or farms within or outside Spanish territory, with a cadastral value greater than €166,056.02.
- That the family's per capita income is not higher than €21,000 (equivalent to 2.5 times the annual IPREM of 14 payments).
- The applicant must be up to date with his/her obligations to the Tax Agency, Social Security, and Alcorcón City Council before the end of the correction period. If he/she appears excluded from the provisional lists for any of these reasons, he/she must present proof of the correction.
- That the applicant does not fall into any of the causes of prohibition to access the status of beneficiary established in sections 2 and 3 of article 13 of the LGS and the General Ordinance of the Regulatory Bases of Subsidies of the Alcorcón City Council.
- The eligible concepts included in this call are the 2023 IBI receipt as well as supply expenses for the period between May 1, 2023 and April 30, 2024. In both cases, the applicant for aid must be the holder of the 2023 IBI receipt or the invoices presented for the supplies of the address where he or she is registered.
Amount of aid and payment thereof
The amount of the aid will correspond to the amount justified by bills for water, gas or electricity supplies (from the period between 1 May 2023 and 30 April 2024), or IBI (year 2023) with a maximum limit of €600 per home. If there are two applicants residing in the same home, and both meet the requirements to be granted, only the application submitted first will be considered.
Payment of the granted aid will be made by bank deposit into the account specified in the application and of which the applicant must be the holder.
How is it processed?
Applications, together with their accompanying documentation, may be submitted to the General Registry of the Alcorcón City Council and to any of the places determined by article 16.4 of Law 39/2015 of October 1 on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
Submission deadline
The deadline for submitting applications is 20 working days from the day following the publication of the call in the Official Gazette of the Community of Madrid ( from June 10 to July 5, 2024, both inclusive ).
Necessary documentation
To apply for this aid, the following documentation must be submitted:
- Signed application in accordance with the model that will be provided at the City Hall or through the municipal website.
- Photocopy of the applicant's ID (NIE in the case of foreigners) and of all persons over 18 years of age (at the time of submitting the application) in the family unit.
- Bank proof of ownership of the account into which you wish the aid to be paid. The account holder must be the same person as the person applying for the aid.
- In the case of a person with a disability, a technical opinion resolution accrediting the degree of disability equal to or greater than 33% (if the person is of legal age, they may authorize a consultation).
- In the case of a dependent person, a resolution recognizing the dependency situation issued by the corresponding Autonomous Community (may authorize consultation).
- If you are unemployed, you must provide a current document proving your legal unemployment status, which shows the length of time you have been unemployed (if you are of legal age, you can authorize consultation).
- Accreditation of the status of victim of gender violence through a complaint, sentence or report from an official body.
- Original or copied water, gas or electricity bills for the period between 1 May 2023 and 30 April 2024. The bills must be in the name of the person applying for the aid. The bills must refer to the supply in the home where the applicant is registered.
- Bank receipts for payment of invoices.
- IBI receipt for the year 2023, which must be in the name of the person requesting the aid and correspond to the home in which the applicant is registered (can authorize consultation).
Application forms
Application for assistance with habitual housing expenses 2024
- Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies ( 11/18/2003 ).
- General Ordinance on Subsidies of the Alcorcón City Council ( 12/21/2020 )
- Extract from the BOCM call ( No. 135 - 06/07/2024 )
- Call for municipal public aid "Cheque Hogar" to help with expenses related to the habitual residence for residents of the municipality of Alcorcón 2024.
The purpose of this Call is to regulate, for the 2023-2024 academic year, the social emergency economic benefits intended to support minors for the payment of school canteen and child schooling services, establishing itself as a complementary resource to promote the normalization of minors and their families.
These benefits will be aimed at promoting the integration of minors and their families, as well as restoring or improving their well-being.
The assessment and management of these grants will be carried out by municipal technicians, qualified in Social Work, from the Alcorcón City Council, through its Primary Social Care social service centres.
It should be noted that these canteen and nursery school grants are consolidated as an instrument of social intervention within an intervention plan agreed upon with families, requiring their commitment and acceptance of the plan.
Who is it addressed to?
According to article 4 of the regulatory ordinance, the beneficiaries of these benefits may be the parent/guardian of the minor who is applying for the aid, whose family unit meets the requirements mentioned in the following section. A family unit is understood to be one made up of more than one person whose members, in addition to living in the same home, are united by a marital or similar relationship, by adoption or by consanguinity up to the second degree and affinity in the first degree.
General requirements:
- Be over eighteen years of age or an emancipated minor, parent or guardian of the minor for whom assistance is requested.
- Reside and be registered at the time of application in the municipality of Alcorcón, except in those exceptional cases where, due to unforeseen need, they require urgent and immediate attention in Alcorcón, duly justified by a technical report. This situation will be assessed by the social worker together with the coordination team.
- Provide the documentation required by the regulatory ordinance, or authorize the consultation of those data to which the municipal technician may have access, by electronic means on the Intermediation Platform of the Ministry of Finance.
- Lack of sufficient income or earnings and being in a situation of need: it is considered that there is a lack of sufficient income or earnings when the family unit does not obtain a monthly net income greater than that established in the economic scale determined in the Ordinance.
- Not having access to other aid from other Public Administrations or own resources that cover the entire need for which the benefit is requested.
- Constitute the aid with a technically appropriate resource, in accordance with the technical assessment of the municipal social worker.
- Acceptance, by the applicant, of the commitment to social intervention, in accordance with his/her intervention project, established by Law 12/2022, of December 21, on Social Services of the Community of Madrid, which in turn requires a positive response from the applicant aimed at overcoming his/her disadvantaged situation.
- Having duly justified, in a timely manner, any aid previously received from the social services of the Alcorcón City Council.
- Beneficiaries, in accordance with article 13.2 of the General Law on Subsidies, given the nature of the subsidy, will be exempt from the requirement of being up to date in the fulfillment of tax obligations, Social Security and Municipal Treasury, and they do not have to provide guarantees, according to article 34.4 of the General Law on Subsidies.
Specific requirements.
- Have been granted a place at the educational center.
- Families who may be entitled to a reduced price according to the call for applications from the Community of Madrid (RMI, victims of terrorism, foster care and family per capita income less than the amount set in the annual call) are required to submit the documentation to the educational centre that grants them such right, and must prove this circumstance.
- Families who may be entitled to other types of grants or public aid for the same purpose are required to apply for them and must provide proof of said application. If they are beneficiaries of the same, they must notify us in order to manage the cancellation of the municipal aid, which is incompatible with any other aid granted for the same purpose when it exceeds the total amount of the expense.
- Families will contribute to the cost of school meals or childcare according to their financial means, with the establishment of this system of economic participation by families being an essential element, except in the case of minors at risk or whose family circumstances are considered exceptional. The minor must attend an educational centre in the municipality of Alcorcón.
How is it processed?
- The procedure for granting the benefit may be initiated ex officio or at the request of the interested party.
- If it is initiated ex officio, it will be at the proposal of the technical staff of the Council, after assessing the situation of need outlined in a personal interview by the user.
- If it is initiated at the request of a party, the person must make the request in a personal interview with the Municipal Social Worker .
- In both cases, the interested party must submit the application in accordance with the established model, completing and signing it.
Submission deadline
As this is an open call, the application period will be open throughout the 2023-2024 school year and from the day after this call is published in the Official Gazette of the Community of Madrid. The application must be made in a personal interview with the social worker at the social services centre corresponding to your address.
Necessary documentation
The documentation to be submitted with the application for the assessment of the aid will be that determined in article 9 of the regulatory Ordinance:
- Photocopy of the DNI, NIE or passport of all eligible members of the family unit, with the originals required for comparison or verification.
- Photocopy of the family book, or birth certificates of minors
- Proof of economic income of the cohabitation unit:
- Pension certificate.
- Payrolls.
- Certificates of unemployment benefits, subsidies, Active Insertion Income, Minimum Insertion Income, etc.)
- Affidavit of income (when it cannot be proven with documentation).
- Any other financial document that allows income to be assessed.
- Certificate from the Treasury and/or the last personal income tax return filed.
- Copy of the regulatory agreement or separation decree where the child support or compensatory pension is reflected. In the case of de facto separations, the initiation of the application process for payment of child support will be requested, and in the event that the payment is not being made, proof of having been claimed judicially will be presented. In those cases where the minor lives with one of the parents and the latter states that the other parent resides abroad, a complaint must be filed in Court for non-payment of child support (support and advice for filing with the SAV) and a copy must be submitted.
- Document from the embassy indicating the residence in the country and the income received by the father or mother of the minor, in the case of families where the parents are not separated or divorced and one of them resides outside of Spain.
- Proof of payment of rent or mortgage in the event that the expense may be deductible with proof of current payment (last receipt/current month).
- Any other document considered necessary to assess the child's schooling or meal assistance based on other circumstances not described above.
- In addition, bank transactions from the last 3 months of accounts opened in the name of members of the family unit may be requested.
- If deemed appropriate, authorization to consult the Data Intermediation Platform of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration and in order to simplify the relationship between citizens and the General State Administration, Law 39/2015, of October 2, on Common Administrative Procedure.
Application forms
They are provided at social services centres.
- Law 7/1985, of April 2, Regulating the Bases of Local Government.
- Law 12/2022, of December 21, on Social Services of the Community of Madrid.
- Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies.
- Organic Law 2/2012, of April 27, on Budgetary Stability and Financial Sustainability.
- Law 27/2013, of December 27, on Rationalization and Sustainability of Local Administration.
- Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
- Ordinance regulating social aid and benefits for situations of special need and/or social emergency
- Extract from agreement 5/271, of July 4, 2023, of the Local Government Board, approving the call for support benefits for minors for situations of special need and/or social emergency of the Alcorcón City Council, academic year 2023-2024 (BOCM No. 164 07/12/2023).
- Call for support benefits for minors in situations of special need and/or social emergency of the Alcorcón City Council, 2023-2024 academic year
Where to go
These are financial aids intended for carrying out small home improvements that promote autonomy and avoid risks for elderly and/or disabled people.
The purpose of these grants is to address housing conditions that may pose a risk or a situation of dependency or isolation for the elderly or disabled person, maintaining minimum hygiene conditions, eliminating architectural barriers, facilitating mobility within the home, reducing the risk of domestic accidents and increasing safety in the home environment.
The aid must be allocated to one of the following reforms or acquisitions:
The aid must be allocated to one of the following reforms or acquisitions:
- Replacing a bathtub with a shower tray
- Swivel bathtub boards and grab bars for installation in bathtub or shower,
- Replacing traditional taps with single-lever taps to facilitate opening and temperature regulation for people with mobility difficulties in their upper limbs.
- Adaptation of geriatric bathroom.
- Replacing the butane or natural gas heater with an electric one.
- Replacing gas stoves with ceramic hobs.
- Installation of grab bars or handrails inside the home.
- Others with similar characteristics that increase security in the domestic environment.
The amount of the subsidy or aid may be a maximum of €1,200, except for that intended for a geriatric bathroom, which may amount to a maximum of €2,000.
Who is it addressed to?
- For people who have reached 65 years of age or who will reach 65 years of age within the calendar year of each call for applications.
- For people under 65 years of age with a disability, with a rating equal to or greater than 65% and affected by reduced mobility, these circumstances being accredited through a disability certificate and a positive reduced mobility scale issued by the competent body of the Autonomous Community.
Individuals who meet the following requirements may apply for financial aid:
1. Reside and be registered in the municipality of Alcorcón.
2. Be the owner or co-owner of the property for which the aid is requested or be a tenant for the last ten years or more of the same, proving this circumstance by means of a rental contract and a certificate of historical register. In these cases, the express authorization of the owner must be presented. In the event of not being the owner or co-owner of the property, the usufruct must be accredited by means of a public document. Likewise, those persons who have a housing rental contract with the public administration may be beneficiaries, regardless of the length of the same. In these cases, the tenant will be required to request authorization for the work from the competent administration.
3. The family unit has not exceeded, in the fiscal year whose declaration submission period has ended at the time of the application (2022), the maximum income thresholds detailed below:
- If the applicant lives alone: Not exceeding 2.4 times the IPREM (Public Index of Income for Multiple Purposes) annually for 14 payments (€20,160)
- If the applicant lives with other people forming a family unit: The per capita annual income must not exceed 1.4 times the IPREM (€11,760). The per capita annual income will be considered to be the result of adding up all the income of the family unit divided by the number of members of the same.
For the purposes of the Ordinance, a family unit is understood to be made up of the applicant and one or more persons who live in the same home, united by a marital relationship or a relationship similar to that of a marital relationship, by consanguinity or affinity up to the second degree, the degrees being calculated starting from the person who is the direct beneficiary of the aid.
The returns that will be taken into account will be:
- Gross income from pensions and other social benefits, either from employment or from economic activities.
- Gross returns on movable and immovable capital.
The following expenses for the same fiscal year may be deducted from said income:
- The amounts paid by the user for the acquisition of the habitual residence.
- The amounts paid by the user for renting what constitutes his/her habitual residence.
- The public price or financial contribution paid for care in a residence or day or night centre for any of the members of the cohabitation unit.
4. That the family unit does not have a capital asset greater than 4.5 times the annual IPREM of 14 payments (€37,800), as of December 31, 2021.
5. Be up to date with your obligations with the Tax Agency, Social Security and the Alcorcón City Council, on the date of making the application.
6. That the work for which the aid is requested has not been completed prior to the resolution approving the granting of the aid. Likewise, in the case of the acquisition of technical aids, it/them may not be used until the granting of the aid is approved.
7. That the applicant has not been a beneficiary of this same aid in the three years prior to the current call.
8. That the applicant has not been a beneficiary of aid from the Community of Madrid for this same purpose.
9. That the adaptation or improvement for which aid is requested is necessary to fulfil the purpose provided for in the Ordinance. This circumstance will be accredited by the technicians of the Department of Social Services.
10. Provide the documentation required in each case, in the Ordinance or authorize the consultation of those data to which the municipal technician can have access through electronic means on the Intermediation Platform of the Ministry of Finance.
11. Having duly justified in a timely manner any other aid previously received from the Social Services of the Alcorcón City Council.
How is it processed?
The application must be made in writing using the standard form and must be submitted, together with the indicated documentation, to the General Registry of the City Council.
Submission deadline
The deadline will be 30 calendar days from its publication in BOCM.
Necessary documentation
The following documentation must be attached to the duly completed application:
1. Photocopy of the DNI, NIE or passport of all eligible members of the family unit, with the originals required for comparison or verification.
2. Disability qualification certificate issued by the Autonomous Community where the Mobility Scale must be stated, in the case of applicants with disabilities or if there is a member with a disability in the cohabitation unit.
3. 2021 Income Tax Return for all members of the household over 18 years of age. If you are not required to file a return, you must attach the certificate of income imputations for the required year, issued by the Tax Agency and any other financial document that allows the economic capacity to be assessed.
4. Bank certificate/s/other documents proving the total amount of personal property as of December 31, 2021, corresponding to all bank accounts and all members living at the address. These documents must justify the bank interest credited in the tax information.
5. Updated medical report issued by a SERMAS doctor.
6. Simple note from the Property Registry of the home, if applicable.
7. Photocopy of the document proving the usufruct of the home in favor of the applicant, if applicable.
8. In the case of rented housing, a photocopy of the lease agreement and the owner's ID. In addition, the landlord's express authorization for the construction work must be presented. In the case of public housing, this authorization will be replaced by a photocopy of the application for the construction work to be carried out by the Administration acting as the lessee.
9. Original and photocopy of the last paid rent or mortgage receipt, if applicable.
10. Budget from two different legally constituted companies, detailing the work to be carried out or technical assistance to be acquired and their total budget, including VAT.
It will not be necessary to provide any documentation that the applicant authorizes to be consulted through the Data Intermediation Platform of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration (art. 28.2 Law 39/2015) and/or that is in the possession of this administration.
Any other document not listed above may be required to prove compliance with the requirements for aid in the Ordinance.
Application forms
Applications can be collected at Social Services Centres or downloaded from the "related documentation" section.
- Ordinance on Complementary Aid for the Improvement of the Habitability Conditions of Housing for Elderly People and/or People with Disabilities ( BOCM 10/02/2021 ).
- Publication of the extract of the call ( BOCM 19/04/2024 ).
- Call for additional aid to improve the living conditions of elderly and/or disabled people 2024
Social service centers
Primary Social Care Centers
Specialized Social Care Centers
Thursday to Friday from 8.30am to 2.30pm
Except public holidays.