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Councilor of the Popular Municipal Group
Councilor of the Popular Municipal Group€35,892.65 (75% dedication)academic: Graduate in Journalism, Complutense University of Madrid. Master in Integral Communication Technician, Francisco de Vitoria University. Professional: Editor-in-Chief, in different regional media. Editor, in different national media. Self-employed. General Administration Adviser Alcorcón City Council. Councilor of the Popular Party of Alcorcón.
Councilor of the Popular Municipal Group
Councilor of the Popular Municipal Group Functions: Inspection and control of the Government Team€35,892.65 (75% dedication)Training Graduated in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (1989) Different family courses, mediation, etc. Professional experience Exercise of the legal profession, with full dedication in own office from 1989 to June 2019. Belonging to the trade shift Secretary Equality and Solidarity Foundation Currently a non-practicing member of the ICAM
Councilor of the Municipal Citizens Group
Councilor of the Municipal Citizens Group
Councilor of the Municipal Citizens Group
Councilor of the Municipal Citizens Group
Councilor of the Municipal Citizens Group
Councilor of the Vox Municipal Group
Councilor of the Vox Municipal Group
Internal affairs area
Management Team
José Vicente de Miguel (Director)
mail virgenremedio@planalfa.es
AMPA: www.alcorcon.trinitarias.net/comunidad-educativa
print Fax. 916112507
Our own bilingual project.
Avda. Lisboa, 2 - 28924 Alcorcón (Madrid)
Management Team
Fernando Bello (Director)
mail dirección@colegioamanecer.com
AMPA: www.alcorcon.trinitarias.net/comunidad-educativa
print Fax. 916438242
Own bilingual project.
Education in Values.
Integration programme for pupils with disabilities.
In the garden with my friends.
Drug addiction prevention programme.
Comenius. European Educational Project.
International programme "Avatar@school" of mediation through the Net.
Avda. Pablo Iglesias, 6 - 28922 Alcorcón (Madrid)
Management Team
Rosa María García (Director)
mail colegio@villalkor.com
print Fax. 916658083
Bilingual Co-operative Schools.
French and Mandarin Chinese.
Excellence in Information and Communication Technologies.
Solidarity Villalkor.
Entrepreneurship 4th ESO + Company.
School for Families.
Coexistence project.
Master Plan and cyber-savvy pupils.
Avda. Pablo Iglesias, 6 - 28922 Alcorcón (Madrid)
mail info@cesjuanpablosegundo.es
SAP Master.
Business training courses.
C/ Estocolmo, 1 bis - 28922 Alcorcón (Madrid)
mail info@cesjuanpablosegundo.es
print Fax. 916438326
Parents in trouble.
Internationalisation Action Plan.
C/ Nueva, 2 - 28921 Alcorcón (Madrid)
ORGANISED BY: Club Patín Alcorcón
Secretary General of the Socialist Group of Alcorcón Ramón Rubial
Who are we?
Art in Museums
Ballroom Dancing
Bobbin lace
History and Art
Languages: English
Needlework: Embroidery in wool
Working with scraps
School for active ageing
MetroSur and Suburban: Alcorcón Central
E-mail address:…
ORGANIZE: I Love Dance
Tennis, Padel, Fronton, Squash. In-person reservation : it can be made two days in advance at the corresponding facility at its control point. Booking by phone : it can be made two days in advance only if you have a valid 10-use Voucher purchased previously, indicating your name, surname and the Voucher number. Facilities available: La Canaleja phone 911 12 73 40 and Santo Domingo phone 911 12 73 30 Soccer Fields, Covered Pavilion and Outdoor Tracks In-person reservation : it can be made two days in advance at the corresponding facility at its control point. Facilities…
Accessibility Statement
Alcorcón Town Council is committed to making its websites accessible in accordance with Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September, on accessibility of public sector websites and applications for mobile devices.
This accessibility statement applies to the website https://www.ayto-alcorcon.es (subdomains of this website will have their own accessibility statements).
Compliance status
This website is partially compliant with Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September, due to the non-compliance of the aspects listed below.…