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Rhythmic Gymnastics at all levels: Extra-school, elementary basic, schools, initiation, promotion, pre-base, base and absolute (maximum category at national level). Ages: From 3 years old. Avenida Joaquín Vilumbrares
Calle Las Hayas S/N, 28922 ALCORCÓN
Activity aimed at users aged between 16 and 64. Pilates is a method of physical exercise through a series of light movements combined with breathing control. Its aim is to strengthen and balance body and mind. The activity takes place in the Los Cantos Sport Center at the following times: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 09.15am - 10.10am Price: 20 euros registration fee and 77 euros/trimester. Tuesday-Thursday 09.15am - 10.10am Price: 20 euros registration fee and 55 euros/trimester. Discounts for large families and unemployed people. For information and registration of the…
Activity for children from so and so .  
Activity aimed at users aged between 16 and 64. Toning is an activity aimed at increasing and maintaining strength, through choreographed routines, while also working on aerobic capacity. at the same time it also works on aerobic capacity. The activity takes place at the Los Cantos Sport Center at the following times: Tuesday - Thursday 10.30h - 11.25h Price: 20 euros registration fee and 55 euros/term. Discounts for large families and unemployed people. For information and registration for the activity, please call 911 12 73 60 from Monday to Friday (except holidays)…
Activity aimed at users aged between 16 and 64. Maintenance gymnastics is a generic individualised gymnastics activity, the main objective of which is to improve and maintain motor conditions and efficiency in daily life. is the improvement and maintenance of motor conditions and efficiency in daily life. The activity takes place at the Los Cantos Sport Center at the following times: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 10.30am - 11.25am Price: 20 euros registration fee and 77 euros/term. Discounts for large families and unemployed people. For information and registration of the…
The Transparency Office will be entrusted with the following functions: Coordination in terms of information for compliance with the obligations established in the transparency regulations, gathering the necessary information from the different departments, which must actively collaborate with it in the exercise of their functions. The processing of requests for access to public information. Advice to people for the exercise of the right of access and assistance to those in the search for information, without prejudice to the functions assigned to other administrative…
La Identidad Corporativa de una institución se basa en la manera de proyectarse y comunicar su misión y función a la ciudadanía, que se expresa a través de una identidad visual y unos elementos gráficos que dan sentido y forma a los valores de la organización y que debe identificar de manera inequívoca los programas y servicios que oferta.  El Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón, como administración local, tiene la obligación de generar constante comunicación con la ciudadanía bajo los principios de transparencia y servicio público. Todo ello se materializa a través de una…
 El elemento principal de la Imagen Corporativa es el Logotipo del Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón. Una imagen reconocible y fácilmente identificable. El rediseño supone una evolución natural para adecuarse a los nuevos usos manteniendo su forma básica y los elementos fundamentales: la corona, las ollas y la colina. Como norma general, el escudo será monocromático utilizando el Pantone 187 C como identificador de marca institucional, tanto en positivo como en negativo. Se permite la utilización del escudo en color negro Pantone Proces Black C, tanto en positivo como en…
 Para aquellos casos en los que es necesario que la imagen visual del Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón tenga un protagonismo especial se desarrolla “La Imagen Gráfica”, que permite cierta libertad de uso, manteniendo el aspecto general definido en el presente manual. La Imagen Gráfica inserta el Logotipo en un cuadrado y da protagonismo al texto aumentando su tamaño. La Imagen Gráfica es genérica del Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón y sustituye al Identificador. Si es necesario consignar la denominación especifica de alguna Concejalía deberá hacerse en elemento aparte. La idea…
The standardization in the use of color is one of the fundamental aspects when establishing a coherent graphic identity. For this reason, a correct use of color is essential, adjusted to the different supports, printed or digital. The corporate color is Pantone 187C, preferably on a white background and with black text. The rest of the colors (Green: Pantone 3288C, Yellow: Pantone 1235C and Grey: Pantone Processes Black 85%) will be used exceptionally in the color logo design and as a graphic complement to the main color.  …
Main Source It will be used as the main font: Roboto (mainly normal bold). It is a modern, clean, clear, and legible font that makes it easy to read, especially on small screens or for people with vision problems. Roboto is a family of sans-serif typefaces developed by Google. Includes thin, light, regular, medium, bold, and black weights with corresponding oblique styles. It also includes condensed styles in light, regular and bold, also with corresponding oblique designs. Google describes the font as “modern, accessible and emotional”. The entire…
These elements (and other similar ones that will be generated in the future) complement the general image by providing information (organizing Department, Social Networks, specific campaigns...) and reinforcing the design keys that we have been proposing through, mainly, typography and Pantone 187 C color contrast on white background. These elements can be combined both with the Graphic Image and with the Identifier, avoiding redundancy in any case (If the Band is used with the name of the Department, this information will not appear in the Identifier…
TrivalValderas was founded in 2004 thanks to the merger of two smaller entities in the neighbourhood of San José de Valderas: the "Agrupación Polideportiva Trinitarios Valderas" (created in 1972) and the "Unión Deportiva Valderas" (born in 1971). The aim was to broaden Alcorcón's sporting offer and to provide the city's youngsters with a sports club where they could start playing, specialising in grassroots football. Avenida los castillos, s/n Polideportivo La Canaleja
Polideportivo Los Cantos, s/n
In the sports centre "LA CANALEJA" you will find the AGILITY W.E.L.P.E. GROUP. It has spaces for sport, recreation and outdoor recreation, in a family atmosphere and easy access. We offer an excellent alternative for those who are looking for a place, within the city, to keep fit with their dog.  We also offer solutions for those who want to educate their dog and want to get involved in activities and sports in natural environments. We invite you to learn more about our services and fitness and sports options on our website. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.…
The club was founded in 1993 and currently plays in the Women's Division of Honour and in the First National Athletics Division in the Men's category. We have an Athletics School with more than 550 athletes in the facilities of the Prado Santo Domingo Sports Centre in Alcorcón. PRADO SANTO DOMINGO SPORTS CENTRE
For information or to carry out any procedure, it is essential to make an appointment Monday to Friday from 9am to 1.30pm by calling 911127360. Contact location_on C/ Los Cantos nº 28, 28922 Alcorcón, Madrid phone 911127350 mail infodeportes@ayto-alcorcon.es query_builder Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 1.30pm (not public holidays). Closed 24 and 31 December.  
President of District Council No. 1 Alcorcón. Member of the FMM Sports Commission Concejal de Recursos Humanos y Atención Ciudadana Formación Formación Profesional Automoción Curso acceso universidad mayores 25 años Iniciados estudios Diplomatura Trabajo Social y Grado en Derecho en la UNED Formación de Grado Medio en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales Profesional 1982-1991 Militar profesional 1991-1996 Responsable Dpto. Atención al Cliente y Servicio Asistencia Técnica. 1996-2003 Jefe Sección Administración Dpto. Producción en distintas…
La Junta de Gobierno Local de Alcorcón es el órgano del Ayuntamiento que, bajo la presidencia de la Alcaldía, colabora de forma colegiada en la función de dirección política que a esta corresponde y ejerce las funciones ejecutivas y administrativas que le atribuyen las leyes y que hacen posible la gestión diaria de la ciudad: proyectos de ordenanzas y reglamentos, concesión de licencias, contrataciones, aprobación de gastos, oferta pública de empleo, aprobación de los instrumentos de planeamiento, nombramientos y todas aquellas establecidas en la Ley 7/1985, de 2 de abril…