Intention to vote foreigners Municipal Elections

Municipal elections May 28, 2023
On May 28, 2023, municipal elections will be held. Nationals of European Union countries and of countries that have signed a reciprocal vote agreement with Spain in municipal elections may vote in these elections, if they are registered in the electoral roll and are 18 years old on the day of the vote.
Manifestation of the intention to vote by citizens of the European Union (EU)
In order to register on the electoral roll, they must first express their willingness to exercise the right to active suffrage in Spain.
This procedure only has to be done once, since people who have expressed their intention to vote in previous municipal elections are already included in the electoral roll.
How to carry out the procedure
a) By letter
To facilitate the expression of willingness to vote in the municipal elections, the Electoral Census Office (OCE) sent, in the last days of October 2022, a communication to the EU citizens residing in Spain, with the data from your preprinted registrations. The communication will only be sent to those people who have registered in the Padrón after August 30, 2018 and have not yet manifested their intention to vote in Spain.
Those who receive the letter may express their willingness to vote in the municipal elections online, with access to cl@ve or with the CTT (telematic processing key), or by post, sending the response to the letter directly to the Provincial Delegation of the OCE, without the need to pay postage.
b) Online
EU citizens residing in Spain can express their intention to vote in Spain in municipal elections (and also in elections to the European Parliament) online if they access the Electronic Headquarters of the National Statistics Institute (INE).
This process is continuous.
The communication indicated in section a) includes an electronic processing key (CTT) that makes it possible to vote in municipal elections online, without having access to cl@ve.
c) At the Town Hall.
Department of Statistics of the Alcorcón City Council (on the ground floor of the administrative building) from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Telephones: 91 664 82 51 and 91 664 82 55.
In addition, information can be requested at the OCE provincial offices and by calling 900 343 232.
By presenting the formal declaration form that can be downloaded at the following link, , or that the City Council will provide.
Identity accreditation may be done, in addition to the foreign card where the NIE appears, with the identity document or passport from your country of origin.
In order for them to take effect in the current electoral census for the municipal elections of May 28, 2023, the registrations in the register and the formal declarations of intention to vote must be made until January 30, 2023.
Manifestations submitted after January 30, 2023, including those that may be submitted by claiming the registration data in the electoral census, will not be included in the current census for the May 28, 2023 elections.
Expressions of willingness to vote in Spain are permanent while the interested party resides in Spain, unless otherwise formally requested.
Vote request for nationals of countries with Vote Reciprocity Agreements for municipal elections
On May 28, 2023, municipal elections will be held in Spain. Residents of Spain, of legal age on the day of the vote, who are nationals of Bolivia, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Korea, Ecuador, Iceland, Norway, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, the United Kingdom and Trinidad and Tobago, having signed a reciprocal voting agreement with Spain in municipal elections.
Those who wish to participate in these elections must request their registration in the electoral roll and comply with the other conditions of the Agreements.
The deadline to register in the electoral roll is from December 1, 2022 to January 15, 2023
Conditions for registration
The conditions that must be met to be eligible for registration are:
a) Be over eighteen years of age and not be deprived of the right to active suffrage.
b) Be registered in the Municipal Register of Inhabitants.
c) Be in possession of a residence permit in Spain.
d) Have legally resided in Spain for the time required in the corresponding Agreement (three years on the day of the vote for Norwegian nationals, three years at the time of the application for United Kingdom nationals and five years at the time of the application for the rest of the countries). This requirement may be justified by providing a residence certificate issued by the Police Station.
Registration in the electoral roll
Nationals of the 13 countries residing in Spain who meet the conditions of the respective Agreement may request registration in the electoral roll from December 1, 2022 to January 15, 2023.
To facilitate this process, the Electoral Census Office (OCE) is going to send a communication by post to 455,024 residents of Spain who are nationals of these 13 countries to request their registration in the electoral census. Those who meet all the conditions of the Agreement will receive a password so that they can register on the electoral roll online.
They can also carry out this procedure if they identify themselves with Cl@ve.
Those who meet all the conditions contemplated in the Agreement except the validity of the residence permit, must register in the electoral roll by postal mail, providing a valid document that justifies the residence authorization in Spain or proof that it has been requested. document renewal.
The nationals of the 13 countries that have not received a letter and meet the conditions of the Agreement, can request their registration in the electoral roll by going to the municipalities where they are registered, within the period indicated above.
Information can be requested at the Alcorcón Town Hall Statistics Department (ground floor of the administrative building) from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. or by calling 91 664 82 51 and 91 664 82 55, as well as at the provincial offices of the OCE and by telephone 900 343 232.