Origin of the Alcorcón Municipal Police force
The official creation of the Alcorcón Municipal Police was produced by agreement of the plenary session of the city council dated May 17, 1965, which called for the creation of an urban guard post. The inauguration took place on February 1, 1966. Since then, Alcorcón has had a bailiff, two municipal watchmen, an urban police watchman and two business and neighborhood watchmen for its safety.
The Alcorcón Municipal Police force has grown in accordance with the needs of the population and the functions that have been assumed in accordance with current regulations.

Traffic area, road safety and crowded
Control and regulation of road traffic, carrying out preventive controls to avoid uncivil behaviors and contrary to traffic regulations such as speeding, breathalyzer controls, drug controls. Collaboration with schools, associations... for events, popular races, driver education classes... In addition to these activities, coordinated work with the Department of Feminism and CNP in relation to gender violence.
Area of citizen attention, mediation, environment and animal protection
Reception and treatment of citizen complaints from the police sphere. Ensure the care of the environment and nature and Administrative Surveillance.
Community Police Area
- Comprehensive Night Unit : Patrols that perform security, traffic and administrative surveillance functions during the night shift.
- Community Police : Proximity patrols on foot, by car or motorcycle, which perform security functions, attention to the requirements of the Directing Station or citizens and orders or specific tasks.
- Building Surveillance : Made up of police officers who carry out custody of buildings and municipal facilities, which require surveillance
Management and logistics area
service charter
The service letter arises to inform the citizens of Alcorcón of the services provided by the SECURITY AND EMERGENCY entities, of their rights to these services and of the commitments acquired that seek to improve the quality of their provision.
Functions and powers
The Police's mission is to guarantee the free exercise of the rights and freedoms of citizens, to guarantee an adequate social climate for their full enjoyment.
The functions of the Municipal Police of Alcorcón are included in 2 fundamental regulations, these being LOFCS 2/86 OF MARCH 13 and the Law for the Coordination of Local Police of the Community of Madrid 1/201 of February 22.
LO 2/86, March 13. article fifty three
The Local Police Forces must exercise the following functions:
- Protect the Authorities of the Local Corporations, and surveillance or custody of their buildings and facilities.
- Order, signal and direct traffic in the urban area, in accordance with the provisions of the traffic regulations.
- Instruct crowded traffic accidents within the urban area.
- Administrative Police, in relation to Ordinances, Bandos and other municipal provisions within the scope of its competence.
- Participate in the functions of the Judicial Police, in the manner established in article 29.2 of this Law.
- The provision of assistance, in cases of accident, catastrophe or public calamity, participating, in the manner provided in the Laws, in the execution of Civil Protection plans.
- Carry out prevention procedures and any actions that tend to avoid the commission of criminal acts within the framework of collaboration established in the Security Boards.
- Monitor public spaces and collaborate with the State Security Forces and Bodies and the Police of the Autonomous Communities in the protection of demonstrations and the maintenance of order in large human concentrations, when required to do so.
- Cooperate in the resolution of private conflicts when required to do so
Citizen Service Office (OAC)
Citizen service hours: Monday to Friday 07:00-21:30
This service, launched by the Department of Citizen Security, Administrative Organization and Citizen Attention, on which the General Directorate of Security and Emergencies depends, is intended to enable citizens to make queries and claims in a more efficient and close manner.
The office is installed in a branded vehicle labeled with the symbols and colors of the Alcorcón Municipal Police. It has the most appropriate computer systems to provide different services, such as the processing of claims, suggestions, proposals and complaints, procedures in case of accidents or information controls.
The Mobile Office will be in service daily, will be attended by two agents and will be located in different parts of the municipality.
Likewise, you can address your complaints/suggestions by:
- Phone:
- Email:
Security advice
- Teach your children to know their own name, last name, address and telephone number.
- Your children should always know that, in case of loss, it is best to stay stopped. Their parents or relatives, realizing the absence, will retrace their steps.
- Explain who to contact in case of danger, whether they are on the street or at home, and the Police or 112 telephone number.
- Get to know your children's friends and companies.
- That they do not open the door of the house to anyone, and should not leave minors alone until they are at least adolescents.
- Explain to them that they should always decline the invitation of strangers to get into a car or accompany them under any pretext.
- That they not accept sweets, candies, tobacco, gifts, toys, etc., that any unknown person can offer them.
- Pay close attention to any story your child tells you. For example: about a person who has tried to caress you, to give you something, etc. Tell him that he should never keep these relationships a secret, even if these people ask him to.
- In the event of any anomalous or strange situation, do not hesitate to contact the Police.
Exposure on the Internet and Social Networks carries security-related risks. It is recommended to avoid or restrict as much as possible photos, personal data or information about our activities.
To do?
- The most important thing is to stay calm. Sometimes mass hysteria has caused more damage than the event could have caused. Remember that a calm attitude can save your life.
- Always notify 112.
- In your home, be especially careful with gas. At the slightest suspicion of a leak, open doors and windows and never light a match or turn on the light switch. Quickly cut off the gas supply and notify 112 or the supply company or fire service
- If the building where you are on fire, do not rush. Locate emergency exits; breathe through a damp tissue; proceed towards the exit as low as possible; never use the elevators. Follow, in any case, the indications of the Fire Brigade and/or Emergency Services.
- If you cannot leave the building due to fire or smoke, lock yourself in a room, cover the door slots with preferably wet rags to prevent smoke from entering and always be seen through a window.
Before leaving...
- When leaving your home, make sure that the doors and windows are perfectly closed. Pay special attention to the accesses located in patios or back doors since, usually, they are less protected areas as they are more hidden.
- Whenever you go out, lock the door.
- If you lose your keys or live in a home previously occupied by other tenants, change the locks.
- Carry out an inventory of valuables, relating serial or manufacturing numbers, or other marks that allow their identification. Include photographs.
- Try not to leave documents with your signature near your check stubs. It will avoid possible counterfeits.
- Do not inform strangers of your vacation plans. Take care not to leave an abundance of mail in your mailbox. Entrust the removal of the mail to a person you trust.
- Make sure that your home appears to be inhabited: do not lower the blinds completely, install a programmable clock that lights up the house by room at different times.
- If you own a business or trade:
- Keep your alarm system in top condition.
- Avoid leaving large amounts of money in the establishment.
- Try to be accompanied at the closing and opening of the business.
- Check that all doors and windows are properly closed.
- In any situation that may affect your safety, call the Municipal or National Police.
- If you observe any criminal act, immediately notify the National or Municipal Police.
- On the street, your best defense is to avoid dangerous situations. Use common sense. Convey a confident attitude through the way you walk and carry yourself. This will influence the offender when choosing his victim. Trust your intuition.
- Do not take shortcuts through streets with little traffic, subways or unbuilt areas. A longer path is preferable, but better lit or populated.
- Avoid wearing jewelry, or wear it hidden under clothing.
- Take your keys and purse with you. In case of theft of the bag, you will not lose the keys and you will save the change of locks.
- In case of robbery, shout even if no one can apparently hear you, and look for a way to escape.
- If you are robbed, don't chase the thief; and if there is a confrontation with the thief, hand over the bag: the priority is your physical integrity.
- If the attacker is armed, use the bag as protection, and keep an eye on the weapon. Try to guess his intentions, but NEVER face him. Try to remember the physical aspect of your attacker (features, scars, tattoos, etc...)
- Try to stay calm. This will increase your chances of escaping quickly.
Traffic Tips
- If you have to drive, AVOID THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES . Likewise, mixing alcohol with medication or drugs multiplies the risk of accidents.
- Keep in mind that any driver is obliged to submit to breathalyzer, narcotic, psychotropic and other similar tests.
- Avoid trips on peak days and hours. Plan possible alternative itineraries to avoid delays.
- Drivers and users of motorcycles and mopeds must use a protective helmet, both on urban and interurban roads.
- It is prohibited to drive using headphones connected to sound reproducing devices or mobile phones.
- Keep a safe distance, both with the vehicle in front of you, and the lateral distance in case of overtaking.
- When weather conditions are adverse, double the safe distance and always reduce speed.
- Keep your vehicle in good maintenance conditions and with sufficient fuel.
To do? Follow these simple steps:
- Warn other road users to avoid new accidents.
- Notify the Local Police (urban roads) or Civil Guard (interurban roads), and the emergency health services.
- Turn off the contact of the accident vehicles.
- Treat the wounded. Do not move those who are trapped or unconscious. Only apply first aid that you are sure you have mastered.
- Do not move the vehicles involved.
- Take note of any involved vehicles leaving the area.
- Collaborate with the police and health services, as well as provide the Police with the data that may have been obtained.
- Always wear your seat belt.
- Always keep a safe distance from the cars in front.
- Do not smoke or talk on the mobile while driving.
- Do not raise the volume of the radio excessively so that you can hear what is happening on the street.
- If you're behind the wheel and you feel fatigued or tired, stop and rest for a while.
- Do not drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication.
- Always carry the required documentation: driver's license, insurance and technical sheet of the car.
- Do not park in prohibited places so that you do not hinder the passage of other vehicles or pedestrians.
- Do not disturb vehicles by blowing your horn. It should only be used to avoid an accident.
- If you come across a traffic accident in which there are victims, it is best to call the Municipal Police, Civil Guard and/or Emergency Services (Madrid 1-1-2).
- Don't forget to wear your helmet.
- Cover other areas of your body with knee pads, wrist guards, etc.
- Respect traffic signs
- Do not try to overtake cars when they are stopped and the signals do not allow it.
- Avoid making noises at night.
- If you carry a passenger, he must also wear a helmet.
- Under no circumstances may it be a child under 12 years of age.
- Do not drive if you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs, medication, etc.
- Take good care of the bike: brakes, lights, wheels, seats, etc.
- Only one person can circulate on the bicycle.
- Drive on the permitted roads and always on your right.
- Drive along the shoulder when there is no road for the circulation of bicycles.
- Respect the rights of others: do not circulate on the sidewalks or green areas.
- Don't go more than 40 km. per hour.
- Inform the rest of the vehicles in advance of the maneuvers that you are going to carry out on the road.
- When you ride at night, keep the bicycle lighting on, wear light clothing and also, it is mandatory that you wear a reflective vest.
- Always wear a protective helmet and if possible cover your knees with knee pads.
- Before going down the sidewalk, look to the right and to the left.
- Always look for a safe place to cross.
- Always cross in a straight line.
- Always respect the traffic lights.
- Pay attention to the exits and/or entrances of garages in the buildings.
- When you walk on the road, always go to your left and when you go with friends, always walk in single file.
- At night let cars see you: wear light or reflective clothing when it's dark and you have to walk on the road.
- Think that not only you walk down the street, but also many other people. Therefore, do not stand in the middle of the sidewalks, hindering the passage, do not run or push.
- Use an electric scooter that meets minimum safety requirements. Some requirements are:
- Display system to provide visible information on speed and battery charge level.
- Brakes: two independent ones that can be activated from the same or different levers. Those with more than 2 wheels must have a parking brake.
- Footrest in non-slip material.
- Parking stabilization system: a lateral "kickstand" or central stand for those with less than 3 wheels, to maintain their vertical position when parked on the street.
- Acoustic warning.
- The wheels must have a minimum diameter of 8 inches, with a rough surface for adhesion. Slick tires will not be allowed.
- They must have a double security system to avoid unintentional folding, and that it does not open involuntarily.
- To increase visibility, they must have white front reflectors, white or auto yellow on both sides, and red on the rear. The brake light must be differentiated or combined with the rear light and must be red.
- All must bear a unique, permanent and legible factory marking so that they can be identified. It must show the maximum speed, serial number, certificate number, year of construction, make and model.
- Complies with regulations. In this sense, it is important to take into account that there are a series of mandatory regulations at the national level but that the Town Halls also have the power to regulate certain points. For this reason, it is important to know the regulations in force in your locality to find out aspects such as whether or not the use of a helmet is mandatory, or the age from which you can drive a scooter, among others.
- If you've never used an electric scooter before, practice beforehand in a safe area, and only ride when you're sure you can control it.
- Remember that you should never drive on the sidewalks or in spaces reserved for pedestrians. Nor should you do it on interurban roads, or crossings, or tunnels.
- Take special care in the vicinity of hospitals, health centers, schools and parks. Be cautious in the presence of children, the elderly and pregnant women.
- Very important: passengers cannot be carried, that is, there can only be one user per scooter. No carrying children or transporting other people.
- The use of headphones is not allowed and, of course, you cannot use or manipulate your mobile phone while driving an electric scooter.
- As with the rest of the vehicles, it is forbidden to exceed the maximum levels of alcohol or drug use. Remember that the best alcohol rate is 0.0.
- Although it is not mandatory, we recommend that you wear a helmet and protective gloves, as well as bring additional reflective elements to increase your safety.
- Take an appropriate speed and adapted to the circumstances and the type of road. As we have indicated, scooters cannot exceed 25 km/h.
- Remember that you must get off the scooter or bicycle when you are going to cross, as a pedestrian, a zebra crossing.
- Try to ride on pavement in good condition. Avoid areas with dirt, sand, gravel, and wet pavement.
- Use suitable footwear, preferably closed and that allows good sensitivity with the scooter. In addition, it must be resistant and with a non-slippery sole. Avoid flip flops and high heels, for example.
- Do not ride an electric scooter if you are taking medication that affects your ability to do so.
- Try to park the scooter in a safe place that does not disturb other users, especially if the municipality allows it to be done on the sidewalk. Workplaces may have specific places to park scooters and bicycles. If so, make use of them.
- Although it is not mandatory, it is recommended to have civil liability insurance against possible incidents.
- Regularly check the good condition of the scooter: monitor wheels and other components such as brakes, battery...
Notifications of upcoming incidents and/or events
In this section we will communicate the most important notices and incidents.
No hay eventos próximamente.
Documents of interest
There are currently no documents available.
Services provided
- Personal and telephone attention 24 hours, 365 days a year.
- Attention to citizens, their demands and requirements in the most immediate way possible.
- Citizen security. Prevention and reaction to crimes.
- Protection of public spaces.
- Ordering and regulation of traffic.
- Preparation of certificates for traffic accidents and road safety actions.
- Processing of complaints for criminal offenses in accordance with current legislation and within the framework agreed with the other FCS
- Protection and prevention of the school community.
- Provide driver's education services to schoolchildren.
- Surveillance of compliance with 00.MM, Bandos and urban actions.
- Environmental Patrol in guarantee of our natural heritage
- Inspection of damages and anomalies in public roads and street furniture.
- Collect any suggestions, complaints and requests made about municipal activity, transmitting it to the corresponding department.
- Execution of municipal agreements.
- Noise and disturbance control.
- Control of works, occupation and cutting of roads.
- Protection of authorities.
- Surveillance and custody of municipal buildings.
- Cooperation in conflict resolution.
- Help in case of accident, catastrophe or public calamity.
- Coordination and collaboration with the other Security Forces and Bodies.
- Execution of what is mandated by the Judicial or Fiscal authority.
- Administrative surveillance in general
Commitments with the citizenry
- Permanent attention to citizens, through the telephones 112 and 911 12 70 92 and in dependencies of the Municipal Police, during the 24 hours and every day of the year.
- Preferential action in the face of urgent requirements, when there is a risk to people or their property, in a minimum essential time, from the moment the event is reported.
- Presence and action on public roads, attending to and providing the necessary information immediately in response to the demands of citizens, with special dedication to those most in need and to victims of criminal acts.
- Priority dedication to the maintenance of citizen protection and security, guaranteeing peaceful coexistence among all citizens.
- Preventive actions in terms of road safety and motor regulations, carrying out the mandatory controls in traffic, transport, drivers, etc. In order to reduce road accidents, with a plan made for that purpose.
- Permanent operation of the Office of attention to the citizen and social intervention, in order to carry out the necessary actions and procedures.
- Protection of minors and collaboration with the educational community, scheduling services of guardian agents, road training and education for coexistence.
- Strengthen the environmental police, in the need to protect our natural heritage, ensuring an ecological awareness that allows the conservation and enjoyment of the ecosystem.
- I work for objectives, plans and action programs, in the need to provide the best possible service, with the quality that our neighbors demand, we will work proactively taking into account the objectives, programming achievements and evaluating the results.
- Collection and removal of abandoned vehicles, within the deadlines established in the quality indicators.
- Custody of lost objects. Deposit and return, where appropriate, of lost objects found in the Local Police.
- Coordination with the National Police, to optimize all available resources and avoid unnecessary duplication and overlap.
- Information on the management by publishing the results of the local security service annually through the Annual Report of the Corps, which allows our citizens to verify the achievements and evaluate the commitments acquired
- home Unified Security Center
- place C/ Alfredo Nobel, 10, 28922, Alcorcón, Madrid
- Municipal Switchboard phone : 911 12 70 92 / 93 / 94
- Firefighters switchboard: 911 12 70 80 / 81
- Civil Protection: 916 64 81 00
- National Police: 914 86 15 70
- Emergencies: 112