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Activity aimed at gold card holders. Maintenance gymnastics for the elderly is a generic, individualised gymnastics, the main objective of which is to improve and maintain the physical conditions for daily life, delaying ageing. is the improvement and maintenance of physical conditions for daily life, delaying ageing. It encourages communication and relationships between people, occupying their time and helping to improve their autonomy. The activity takes place in the Los Cantos Sport Center and in the La Canaleja Sport Center. Esta actividad tiene un precio de 10 euros para…
Activity aimed at gold card holders. Maintenance gymnastics for the elderly is a generic, individualised gymnastics, the main objective of which is to improve and maintain the physical conditions for daily life, delaying ageing. is the improvement and maintenance of physical conditions for daily life, delaying ageing. It encourages communication and relationships between people, occupying their time and helping to improve their autonomy. The activity takes place in the Los Cantos Sport Center and in the La Canaleja Sport Center. Esta actividad tiene un precio de 10 euros para…
Aparcamientos públicos gratuitos Nuestro municipio cuenta con espacios de estacionamiento próximos a las estaciones de transporte público (cercanías, metro, autobús) para que los vecinos, vecinas y visitantes, puedan estacionar sus vehículos y utilizar el transporte público. También se pueden encontrar espacios de estacionamiento en las proximidades de los centros escolares lo que permite una movilidad segura en los entornos escolares. Queremos facilitar la movilidad sostenible, contribuyendo a reducir el tráfico y, mejorar la calidad del aire. Alcorcón dispone…
Renfe Cercanías. Línea C-5 La línea C-5 tiene tres estaciones en Alcorcón: Estación San José de Valderas, que da servicio al barrio de Los Castillos, San José de Valderas, Parque Lisboa y zona Sahagún-Bellas Vistas. Esta estación tiene dos salidas por la avda. Lisboa y por la calle Sahagún. Estación Alcorcón Central, actúa como intercambiador de transportes, con correspondencia con la línea 12 de Metro de Madrid y varias líneas de autobuses que transitan por la avda. de Móstoles y la calle Berlín. Esta estación da servicio al centro urbano y zona del hospital.…
C/ Los Sauces, 49-11, 28922 Alcorcón, Madrid
We are a modern and cutting-edge school, we have our own facilities of the CSD PARQUE LISBOA and with Trainers with specific qualifications and extensive experience. We offer figure skating and hockey classes. We start from the fun of patinad@r, learning with them the discipline and values that this sport accompanies. Effort, perseverance and passion are the engine that makes our wheels turn. Av. de Lisboa, 15, 28924, Madrid
Who are we? Courses     Art in Museums     Ballroom Dancing     Castanets     Chotis     Drawing     Bobbin lace     History and Art     Languages: English     Needlework: Embroidery in wool     Painting     Relaxation     Working with scraps Services     School for active ageing Contact MetroSur and Suburban: Alcorcón Central E-mail address:…
MetroSur: South Gate Bus: 514, 511 Parque del Teide, 1 28924 Alcorcón
Visit us at: ccmargaritaburon.blogspot.com Email: pef@ayto-alcorcon.es C. Copenhague, 57, 28922 Alcorcón, Madrid
The Alcorcón Unified Volleyball Club is an entity that promotes and develops the sport of volleyball and beach volleyball in Alcorcón. With projection throughout the Community of Madrid and Spain. After a long history at the top of national volleyball, now our men's team is playing in Super League 2 and the women's team is in the First National. We also have teams in all federated categories, male and female, as well as numerous municipal competition teams, covering an age range between 7 and 65 years. We also have beach volleyball groups on the slopes of La Canaleja, with special…
C. Parque de Cabañeros esq. Parque del Teide, 28924 Alcorcón, Madrid
Parque Bujaruelo 1-3 28925 Alcorcón
Municipal Occupational Centre of Alcorcón Carlos Castilla del Pino. Care network for adults with physical, intellectual and sensory disabilities. Avenida de las Retamas 1 28922 Alcorcón
Courses     Chess     Art in Museums     Ballroom Dancing     Cutting and Dressmaking     Glass Decoration     Bookbinding     Philosophy     Photography and Video     Crochet and knitting     Dance gymnastics     History and Art     History of Madrid     Sevillanas     Theatre…
Courses     Harmony     Figures and Letters     Bobbin lace     Guitar     Languages: French     Computers     Labours     Musical Language     Poetry     Recycling     Rondalla     Literary Gathering Services     Cafeteria      Podiatry     Hairdresser…
Alcorcón Street Map PDF files a) High resolution vector street map in PDF format. Updated to 2016. It consists of two PDF filesb) Central Zone Supervised by cameras: The free, loading and unloading hours are from 06:00 to 11:00, the rest of the day the cameras generate a complaint (except for authorized vehicles)