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Delegate Town Planning Department
Appointment: July 10, 2019 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Delegate Town Planning DepartmentJUNE 2016 – JULY 2019: CEO EMVS MADRID. FEBRUARY 2016 – JUNE 2016: URBAN PLANNING, ENVIRONMENT AND ROADS AND WORKS COORDINATOR CITY COUNCIL OF COSLADA; ASSOCIATED AGENT REMAX. 2009 – 2012 PROJECT DIRECTOR BURGOGIS 2002. 2007 – 2009 MANAGER EMSULE (LEGANES). 2004 – 2006 DIRECTOR OF PRODUCTION RAILWAY REAL ESTATE GROUP. 2001 – 2004 AGECOVI…
Executive staff
Appointment: July 23, 2019. Functions and powers: Direct, promote and supervise the activities that are part of the ordinary management of the governing body and ensure the proper functioning of the dependent bodies and units and the personnel integrated into them. Preparation and proposal of provisions, agreements and conventions regarding matters within the scope of its functions. Exercise the powers attributed to the General Directorate and those that are decentralized or delegated to it. Propose to the head of the body on which it depends, the…
Delegate Councilor for Parks and Gardens
Mayor's Office - Presidency
Appointment: July 10, 2019 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Mayor's Office - PresidencySurvey technician at Idea Nómina Data SLU (2013, 2015) Commercial and customer service tele-operator at AlcaláBC Servicios y Procesos SA and Unísono Soluciones de Negocio SA (2015-2016) Survey technician and analyst for surveys and state projects (INE, Ministry of Labor...), in Analysis Survey Unit SL (2016) Commercial and customer service video-…
Alcorcón Municipal Citizens Group
Appointment: July 10, 2019 Coordination and advisory functions to the Ciudadanos Alcorcón Municipal Group, as well as administrative tasks.Alcorcón Municipal Citizens GroupFrom the year 2000 to 2008 he worked in different companies in the private sector of the technological area, editorial and pharmaceutical research and data coding of medical records, performing administrative tasks, national purchases and international, as well as attention to the public and suppliers. As of February 2009, he began his career in the Public…
Executive staff
Appointment: September 17, 2019 Direction, management and coordination of the units and services of Collection, Tax Management, Treasury, Patrimony and Contracting. Immediate leadership of the attached units and services. Preparation of draft provisions, agreements and conventions regarding matters within the scope of its functions. Preparation, monitoring and control of the annual budget assigned. Evaluation of the services of your competition. The other powers that are attributed to it by legal provisions or delegated by the Mayor or the Local…
Alcorcón Popular Municipal Group.
Department of Social Services and Public Health
Appointment: October 29, 2019 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Department of Social Services and Public HealthAlcorcón Town Hall; from 02/02/1992 to 11/01/2019, Monitor and Animator in the Areas of Culture and Youth. Legańes City Council: from 04/09/1987 to 12/31/1987, Monitor in the Social Services Area. YOUTH INSTITUTE. Ministry of Culture: From 07/01/1986, to 12/31/1986. Theatrical entertainer.
Delegate Department of Housing
Appointment: July 10, 2019 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Delegate Department of Housing2019-Alcorcón Town Hall. Housing Department Coordinator. 2017-2019- Municipal Housing and Land Company (EMVS). Chief of Staff of the Chief Executive Officer. City of Madrid. 2011-2012- Municipal Real Estate Management Company of Alcorcón, SA (EMGIASA). Administrative. Alcorcon Town Hall. 2007-2011- Municipal Land Company, SAU (EMS). Manager. City…
Department of Maintenance
Department of Education and Childhood
Appointment: May 19, 2020 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Department of Education and Childhood2020 - Coordinator of Education and Childhood in the Alcorcón City Council. 2019. Coordinator and person in charge of Archeology for the realization of "Celtiberian tourist product in the province of Soria" in the State Mercantile Society for the Management of Innovation and Tourism Technologies, SAMP (SEGITTUR), dependent on the…
Appointment: January 2, 2020 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Mayor-PresidencyCourt solicitor officer (1975-1983) Self-employed in the commerce sector (1995-2000) Alcorcón town councilor (1983-1995) (1999-2011)
Municipal Group United We Can Win Alcorcón
Appointment: August 5, 2019 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Municipal Group United We Can Win Alcorcón2019 - Present - Temporary Staff Alcorcón City Council. 2015-2019 - Advisor in Political Communication (PODEMOS Comunidad de Madrid). 2015 - Advisor in Political Communication (Ganar Alcorcón). 2010 - 2014 - Collaboration scholarship in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising II during doctoral studies (…
Delegate Department of Youth
Appointment: July 10, 2019 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Delegate Department of YouthResearch assistant of Dr. Ana Isabel Jiménez San Cristóbal (UCM/ Plaza code: pej-2017-ai/hum-6140).
Alcorcón Socialist Municipal Group.
Appointment: July 10, 2019 Coordination of the municipal group and administrative management.Alcorcón Socialist Municipal Group.COMPANY: El Corte Inglés, SA Work period (19-5-88 to 4-6-2004) Category: Professional Group. COMPANY: SCOOP FERNS. Work period (5-15-2005 to 08-15-2005) Category: Gardener. COMPANY: Alcorcón City Council Work period (3-2-2016 to 14-6-2019) Category: Auxiliary of the Municipal Socialist Group.
Delegate Department of Finance, Procurement and Patrimony
Appointment: September 17, 2019 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Delegate Department of Finance, Procurement and PatrimonyAs councilor of the Madrid city council and regional deputy in the assembly of Madrid during the legislatures 2007-2019 (group PSOE), has been in charge of the finance spokespersons (Ayto de Madrid), and contract surveillance (Madrid Assembly) of the socialist group. Superior technician of…
Delegate Department of Feminism
Mayor's Office - Presidency
Appointment: August 1, 2019 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Mayor's Office - PresidencyFrom June 2011 to June 2015, councilor spokesperson for the Alcorcon Town Hall. Self-employed, entrepreneur and businessman since November 1, 1989, with different business activities: fashion, travel, insurance, financial services, real estate services and center of ecological leisure. From June 2011 to June 2015 UPyD spokesman councilor in the…
Mayor's Office - Presidency
Appointment: July 10, 2019 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Mayor's Office - PresidencyDegree in Journalism (Complutense University of Madrid) Press and Communication Coordinator of the Alcorcón City Council (since July 2019). Coordinator and Assistant Municipal Socialist Group in the Alcorcón City Council (2011-2019). Media management, press and communication. Administrative functions. Communication Technician in the Press and…
A través del siguiente formulario cualquier ciudadano puede comunicar al Ayuntamiento los desperfectos, deficiencias o anomalías en los servicios o bienes municipales (alumbrado público, limpieza de la vía pública, elementos en los parques, mobiliario urbano, deterioro de las vías o aceras, etc.). Si facilita un correo electrónico le mantendremos informado sobre su incidencia.