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Nuevo Reglamento Europeo de Protección de Datos
El pasado 25 de mayo de 2018 entró en vigor una nueva normativa europea de protección de datos (Reglamento General de Protección de Datos), que añade nuevos derechos a los ya existentes en la legislación española.
¿Qué novedades introduce esta normativa?
Estos nuevos derechos le van a permitir conocer y estar informado sobre la forma en que se recogen, utilizan y almacenan sus datos personales por el Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón y las entidades que dependen de él.
Además, establece distintas figuras y procedimientos…
Privacy Policy
Personal data collected through the websites of Alcorcón City Council will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU)2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and with Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantees of digital rights.
On 25 May 2018, a new European data protection regulation (General Data Protection Regulation) came into…
Aviso Legal
Este sitio web (Portal) tiene por objeto poner a disposición de los usuarios toda clase de servicios e informaciones relacionadas con el Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón de manera totalmente gratuita
El usuario de este Portal deberá aceptar las presentes condiciones y términos de uso que tienen carácter vinculante, entendiéndose que el simple uso de estas páginas supone la referida aceptación con carácter íntegro y sin ningún tipo de reservas. Estas condiciones y términos de uso tendrán una vigencia indefinida, reservándose la entidad participante el derecho a…
Alcorcón Town Council undertakes, with all the means at its disposal, to provide access from the Internet to its website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the most secure way possible, with the exception of incidents unrelated to the service itself.
C/Polvoranca ,60 Las Huertas
It is configured by the Mayor and the Councilors of the Municipal Corporation in charge of governing the city of Alcorcón and managing the City Council.Natalia de Andres del Pozo Although I was born in Germany where my parents were emigrants, I have lived in Alcorcón since I was only a few months old. This city saw me grow up and now it sees my children grow up. My political concern has always been present in my life, as has my relationship with citizen participation and social movements. I believe that involvement in social life is vital to structure a society based…
El identificador es la combinación del Logotipo y el texto en una unidad visual. Ambos elementos constituyen un todo debidamente armonizado, sin estar fusionados.
Como en el caso del Logotipo, el identificador será monocromático utilizando el Pantone 187 C como color de marca institucional, tanto en positivo como en negativo.
Se permite la utilización del identificador en color negro Pantone Proces Black C, tanto en positivo como en negativo. La prioridad de uso será la correcta visibilidad del identificador, la legibilidad del texto y el máximo contraste…
PSOE militant
Date Signatory Entity Aim Amount (€) 01/20/2016 Servanda Education Foundation Agreement for the practical training of students of the Educational Center 0 01/20/2016 Ecological Society for the recycling of glass containers (Ecovidrio) Selective collection of waste in glass containers 0 01/29/2016 Federation of Associations of people with physical and organic disabilities of the CM (FAMMA-Cocemfe Madrid) Disability situation collaboration 0 02/01/2016 Mansion Clapham Productions, SL Contest of the great parade of costumes Carnival 2017 0 02/02/2016 Collaborating…
Date Signatory Entity Aim Amount (€) 11/20/2017 Municipalities Childhood and Adolescence Network Addendum of adhesion to the agreement for the development of the project for the promotion of the rights of children and adolescents with the object of the adhesion of the municipality of Coslada 0 01/23/2018 With the Association for People with Intellectual Disabilities AFANIAS For the realization of non-labor training practices by students in individual insertion itineraries and in job training actions of the AFANIAS training and employment service 0 02/13/2018 Fire…
Date Signatory Entity Aim Amount (€) 12/30/2016 Extension of Agreement with the Ministry of Social Policies and Family To carry out actions against gender violence and for the promotion of equal opportunities between women and men (Co-financed by the ESF at 50%) 20,226.02 02/01/2017 King Juan Carlos University For the development of the "Center for Studies and teaching resources for people with disabilities" 0 02/20/2017 Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports For the issuance of the "Community of Madrid Youth Card" 0 02/21/2017 KIA ENGINE To promote employment 0…
Date Signatory Entity Aim Amount (€) 10/31/2018 Ministry of development Related to the urban regeneration and renewal area of San José de Valderas in Alcorcón. State Housing Plan 2018-2021 0 01/21/2019 Luisa Antonia Nunez Francos In relation to the expropriation of an affected plot 42,862.68 (5%) 02/04/2019 King Juan Carlos University For the development of the "Center for Studies and Teaching Resources for people with disabilities" 0 02/13/2019 National University of Distance Education To contribute to the comprehensive training of university studies at UNED (…
Date Signatory Entity Aim Amount (€) 02/24/2015 PLOT CENTER ASSOCIATION Reintegration program for juvenile offenders through the development of activities for the community 0 03/02/2015 Mostoles Town Hall Improvement and promotion of the Fuentecisneros area adjacent to both municipalities 0 03/13/2015 Entrepreneurs Motor Mile Creation of wealth jobs and signifying Alcorcón as a reference in the sector 0 04/06/2015 Madrid's community Addendum for the modification of the collaboration agreement for people in a situation of dependency and moderate disability for…
Executive staff
Appointment: July 9, 2019 General Director of the Mayor's Office - PresidencyType of remuneration: Gross annual salary Amount: €62,900University Diploma in Social Work (Universidad Complutense Madrid) Sociology graduate. (Salamanca Pontifical University) University Expert in Development Cooperation Projects (University of Alcalá de Henares) Director of Social Services Centers No. 1189 Community of MadridSenior Social Services Technician Official A1 Local Administration, TAE. in Special Services Positions of Director of Services, Technical Director and…
Department of Sustainability, Mobility and Renewables.
Appointment: September 5, 2019 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Department of Sustainability, Mobility and Renewables.Coordinator of the Department of Sustainability, Mobility and Renewables of the Alcorcón City Council since September 2019. Advisor to the Sustainable Urban Development Area of the Madrid City Council, since (2015 – 2019). General Secretary of the Governing Board of the Official College of…
Municipal Group VOX Alcorcón
Appointment: September 11, 2020 Administrative procedures Document preparation Attention to citizens at the group headquartersMunicipal Group VOX AlcorcónDirector of Home Service and New Channels. Comes Group Director of Operations and Personnel. Papa John´s Director of Operations and Quality. IGA Managing Director. CRB Country Manager. telepizza Regional Director. telepizza Trade Marketing Manager. telepizza Franchise Consultant. telepizza Operations supervisor. telepizza Local manager. telepizza
Mayor's Office - Presidency
Appointment: September 3, 2020 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Mayor's Office - PresidencyDigital Trafficker, trained at ITO (Online Traffic Institute). From October 2019 to November 2020. Expert in Digital Marketing, responsible for developing and implementing internet advertising campaigns, in order to increase visibility for both companies and institutions. Integral Commercial Manager of Promotions. Momentum Real Estate SL From…
Delegate Department of Economic Development, Training and Employment
Appointment: December 1, 2020 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through tasks of coordinating, assisting or advisory functions.Delegate Department of Economic Development, Training and EmploymentSole Administrator and Director of Diacronica Promotion and Development SL, from May 2017 to November 2020. Sole administrator of Súmmum Promotion and Development SL, from November 2014 to November 2020. Technical Assistance General Directorate of Tourism, from March to…
Department of Internal Organization, Security and Citizen Attention
Appointment: July 26, 2019 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Department of Internal Organization, Security and Citizen AttentionMinistry of Finance and Public Administration. Technical Support On Site. 3 years and 3 months. Software and hardware technical support for public employees and external personnel in the offices of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration. Direct technical support to…
Department of Culture, Participation and the Elderly
Appointment: August 19, 2019 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Department of Culture, Participation and the ElderlySince 1989, he has developed his professional activity in the field of cultural management, mainly in public, municipal and regional administrations. In 1992 she obtained by opposition, the position of Culture Coordinator in the San Fernando de Henares City Council, a position from which she is currently…
Socialist municipal group
Natalia de Andrés del Pozo
Daniel Rubio Caballero
Sonia López Cedena
Miguel A. González García
Joanna M. Arranz Pedraza
Raúl Toledano Serrano
Candelaria Testa Romero
Miguel A. Palacios Retamosa
Victoria Meléndez Agudín
Plaza de España, 1
Email: gmpsoe@ayto-alcorcon.es
Telephone: 91 112 79 80
Ganar Alcorcón municipal group
Jesús Santos Gimeno
Raquel Rodríguez Tercero
Rosana Zarapuz Puertas
Carlos Carretero Rodríguez
David López Martín
Plaza de España, 1
Email: gmga@ayto-alcorcon.es
Telephone: 91 112 79…
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