The Municipal Consumer Service It is a local resource where the different powers in consumer matters aimed at the defense and protection of consumers are developed and its main function is consumer protection through information, advice, mediation and market surveillance. .
Consumer Inspection
The items that are offered for sale and the services that are offered to the consumer must comply with a series of regulations so that the consumer is duly protected.
In order to ensure this protection, the Alcorcón City Council has services that inspect and investigate whether businessmen, with their products and services, comply with the regulations.
Controls are applied to non-food products and in general to those considered to be in common and widespread use , as well as those that may harm the health, safety and economic interests of consumers. The inspectors are considered agents of the authority, when they exercise their function.
How to carry out an inspection
- For consumer complaints : when certain complaints from consumers who have seen their rights violated reach the Consumer authorities.
- Communication from other administrative bodies : when there is information from another municipal, regional, national or European administration with consumption powers of any non-compliance produced in its area of activity.
- Inspection campaigns : when the consumer authority decides to schedule a series of actions on a specific sector (because there are numerous complaints, because it is a sector with previous breaches, because it has new legislation, etc.).
- Complaints in which possible consumer infringements are detected.
- Control of authorized non-sedentary sale.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularized in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularized in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Non-food products in alert network
One of the substantial rights of consumers, among others, is the right to health and safety. The principle of free movement of goods is one of the four constitutive freedoms of the internal market, and its implementation with the abolition of intra-community borders of the EU countries has led to a great proliferation in the supply of goods and services in the national markets, acquiring control of this market with greater diversity and complexity, a task that the competent Administrations must face.
Added to this previous situation are those products that also appear on the market and come from third countries. For this reason, a rapid information exchange system was created, in the form of a network, integrated into the European alert system in order to facilitate rapid communication and exchange of information on those actions adopted in cases in which detect an unsafe product to proceed with its withdrawal from sale and not reach the consumer.
Model to make a complaint
The model is the one included in the claim and query section
Requirements : that the complaint is about a product purchased in Alcorcón and/or from an establishment located in the municipality.
By email:
Fill in the form and send it to the indicated email.
Requirements: No prerequisites are required, as long as the complaint refers to a consumer problem and the person requesting it is a consumer.
In person : in Plaza Reyes de España, 1 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Procedures: request an appointment at Tf 010 , if you call from Alcorcón, / Tf 911 12 70 10 , if you call from another municipality, only for registered consumers on or through the City Council website " Request an Appointment ".
Requirements : No prerequisites are required, as long as the complaint refers to a consumer problem and the person requesting it is a consumer.
By postal mail: send a letter to the OMIC at the address Plaza Reyes de España, 1, Alcorcón 28921
“Alcorcón, ¡Para comérselo!”
Iniciativa para Reducir el Desperdicio de Alimentos
Impulsada por la Unidad de Consumo de la Concejalía de Salud Pública, Consumo y Bienestar Animal, y en el marco del PLAN DE ACTUACIÓN SOBRE EL DESPERDICIO ALIMENTARIO PARA UNA ECONOMÍA CIRCULAR esta campaña tiene como objetivo reducir el desperdicio de alimentos en Alcorcón mediante prácticas sencillas, viables y efectivas.
Objetivos de la Campaña
- Fomentar un cambio de actitudes y procedimientos para minimizar el desperdicio alimentario.
- Aumentar la fracción reciclable de residuos para reducir la presión ambiental.
- Contribuir a un modelo más sostenible de producción y consumo, apoyando la economía circular.
Reconocimiento a Establecimientos
“Alcorcón, para comérselo” premia a los establecimientos que implementen buenas prácticas contra el desperdicio de alimentos. Aquellos que cumplan los requisitos recibirán un distintivo para exhibir en su local y se mencionarán en la web de la Unidad de Consumo del Ayuntamiento.
¿Cómo Obtener el Distintivo?
Para ser reconocido, los establecimientos de venta minorista deben:
1. Aplicar al menos dos medidas de prevención del desperdicio, siendo obligatoria una de las siguientes:
- Destinar un área a productos de “último minuto”.
- Vender excedentes mediante aplicaciones móviles.
- Donar los excedentes.
2. Separar correctamente todas las fracciones de residuos, incluyendo residuos orgánicos.
3. Formar e informar al personal sobre las medidas de prevención adoptadas.
Fuentes de información
Esta campaña se basa en la “Guía práctica para reducir el desperdicio alimentario en el comercio minorista” del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, y en la “Guía para establecimientos de alimentación” de la Dirección de Medio Ambiente del Ayuntamiento de San Sebastián (enero de 2020), a quienes agradecemos su colaboración.
¡Únete a esta iniciativa y contribuye a un Alcorcón más sostenible!
- Guía práctica para reducir el desperdicio alimentario en el comercio minorista
- Guía práctica para reducir el desperdicio alimentario en hostelería