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Sports club aimed at promoting sport and favouring the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and/or developmental disorders; carrying out weekly training sessions and participating in federated sports leagues and competitions. Sports disciplines offered: indoor football, basketball, swimming, athletics, maintenance gymnastics, paddle tennis and pilates. Some of these disciplines are carried out in collaboration with other sports groups or clubs. Avda. del Pinar, 33. 28925 Alcorcón
It is named after María Almudena Grandes Hernández. almudenagrandes@ayto-alcorcon.es Av. Leganés, 31, 28924, Alcorcón, Madrid
Department of Internal Organization, Security and Citizen Attention Appointment: July 26, 2019 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Department of Internal Organization, Security and Citizen AttentionMinistry of Finance and Public Administration. Technical Support On Site. 3 years and 3 months. Software and hardware technical support for public employees and external personnel in the offices of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration. Direct technical support to…
Department of Culture, Participation and the Elderly Appointment: August 19, 2019 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Department of Culture, Participation and the ElderlySince 1989, he has developed his professional activity in the field of cultural management, mainly in public, municipal and regional administrations. In 1992 she obtained by opposition, the position of Culture Coordinator in the San Fernando de Henares City Council, a position from which she is currently…
Regional Deputy and Coordinator of @PodemosCMadrid. Second Deputy Mayor Concejal del Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón Tipo de retribución: Salario bruto anual. Importe: 66.999,62 €. Académica EGB (Colegio Virgen De Los Remedios). Bachillerato (IES Ítaca). Estudios en Administración y Dirección De Empresas (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos). Estudios en Trabajo Social (Universidad Complutense De Madrid). Profesional Hostelería. Peón de obra. Trabajador de Correos. Barrendero, peón de recogida y conductor de la limpieza (ESMASA).
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum…
La Junta de Gobierno Local de Alcorcón es el órgano del Ayuntamiento que, bajo la presidencia de la Alcaldía, colabora de forma colegiada en la función de dirección política que a esta corresponde y ejerce las funciones ejecutivas y administrativas que le atribuyen las leyes y que hacen posible la gestión diaria de la ciudad: proyectos de ordenanzas y reglamentos, concesión de licencias, contrataciones, aprobación de gastos, oferta pública de empleo, aprobación de los instrumentos de planeamiento, nombramientos y todas aquellas establecidas en la Ley 7/1985, de 2 de abril…
C/Polvoranca ,60 Las Huertas
It is configured by the Mayor and the Councilors of the Municipal Corporation in charge of governing the city of Alcorcón and managing the City Council.Natalia de Andres del Pozo Although I was born in Germany where my parents were emigrants, I have lived in Alcorcón since I was only a few months old. This city saw me grow up and now it sees my children grow up. My political concern has always been present in my life, as has my relationship with citizen participation and social movements. I believe that involvement in social life is vital to structure a society based…
 El identificador es la combinación del Logotipo y el texto en una unidad visual. Ambos elementos constituyen un todo debidamente armonizado, sin estar fusionados. Como en el caso del Logotipo, el identificador será monocromático utilizando el Pantone 187 C como color de marca institucional, tanto en positivo como en negativo. Se permite la utilización del identificador en color negro Pantone Proces Black C, tanto en positivo como en negativo. La prioridad de uso será la correcta visibilidad del identificador, la legibilidad del texto y el máximo contraste…
foto volley CAMPUS CLUB UNIFICADO VOLEIBOL Y MINIVÓLEY FECHAS: DEL 27 AL 29 DE JULIO HORARIO: DE 9:00 A 14:00 CONTACTO: cuvalcorcon@cuvalcorcon.com  
foto club ORGANIZA: C.B. Femenino  Alcorcón y C.B Alcorcón. LUGAR: Polideportivo La Canaleja CONTACTO: cb@femeninoalcorcon.com  /  info@clubbaloncestoalcorcon.com FECHAS: Del 27 al 17 de Julio