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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum…
PSOE militant Concejala delegada de Hacienda y Contratación. Tercera Teniente de Alcaldesa. Tipo de retribución: Salario bruto anual 73.109,12 euros anuales   Académica Licenciada en Economía – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 2002. Máster en Desarrollo Económico y Políticas Públicas- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 2009. Profesional Profesora de Economía de Educación Secundaria y Bachillerato. Desde 2004 a 2023. Profesora Asociada de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid de 2010 a 2016.  
Our aim is to cultivate the mind and instil a passion for Chess in children, in a balance between theoretical and practical classes; benefiting from the knowledge of the game of science. Teatro Municipal Buero Vallejo. C/ Los Robles, s/n
There are several publications related to Alcorcón that help us to know its history. To the extent that we can and, always respecting copyright, we will offer them to you. We intend it to be a dynamic and participatory section. If you know of publications that may be of interest and that do not appear here, we would be grateful if you could send them to us. Alcorcón Graphic Magazine Books, periodicals and links
Ranking Table Zona del Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón 1997-2022 Zona del Ensanche Sur 2004-2022 Avenida de Móstoles en el tramo comprendido entre la Avenida de Leganés y la Calle Bellasvistas 1992-2022 Calle Montoro (jardín interior) 1979-2024
Ranking Table Instituto de FP. Prado de Santo Domingo (Avda. de Esteban Márquez, 3) 1980-2023  Parroquia de San Juan de Mata 1980-2022 Centro Unificado de Seguridad 2021-2023. Antes y después de la tormenta Filomena
Ranking Table Plaza de las Fraguas 2000-2023     Calle Álamo cerca del Colegio Jesús Varela 1970-2022 Estación de Las Retamas 2001-2023
location_on Plaza Reyes de España, nº 1, 28921 Alcorcón, Madrid
Approved non-financial expenditure ceiling for the year (Tab level 3). The draft budget and budgets, with a description of the annual budget items and details of their implementation (Tab level 3). The annual accounts to be rendered (Tab level 3). the quarterly execution of budgets, with data at the same level of detail as in the budgets themselves (tab level 3) Extraordinary credits, supplements and modifications of credits, related to the budgets and their justification (Tab level 3). The budgets of the autonomous bodies and…
From this Department, programs are developed whose objective is the promotion of the well-being of people, the prevention of risk situations and the compensation of social support deficits, focusing its interest on the factors of vulnerability or dependency that, due to natural or unexpected causes, They can occur at each stage of life and translate into personal problems. The Department integrates the municipal areas of Social Services and Public Health composed, in turn, by different departments and specific services. Contact details Social Services home Adolfo Suárez…
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem…
Selección de imágenes del Archivo Estos son algunos de los documentos gráficos que conservamos en nuestros fondos. Pinchando en la imagen se accede a una versión a tamaño completo. El Archivo te cuenta... Conoce la historia de Alcorcón de la mano del Archivo. Aquí encontrarás textos relativos a la historia, vida o edificios de nuestra ciudad. Pulsa en las imágenes para acceder a una selección de textos. El resto pueden consultarse utilizando el desplegable situado más abajo   Colaboraciones En esta sección estamos incluyendo las colaboraciones…
Academy and senior trainings Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5.30pm Address Training School Fridays from 5.30pm Address   pendiente...
Alcorcón Festivities 2024 Alcorcón celebrates its 2024 Patron Saint Festivities, which will take place from August 31 to September 9. Concerts, dance and activities for all tastes and ages will be spread throughout the various neighborhoods of the city. Programming Download the festival programme at the following link: 2024 Festival Program
Culture, participation and art are signs of identity, spaces for creation and diversity, opportunities for development and social cohesion. The city of Alcorcón deserves to occupy an important space as a benchmark for cultural action in the Community of Madrid and the rest of Spain. With this mission, the conception considers the following objectives.     Facilitate access to culture for the entire population, quantitatively and qualitatively improving cultural consumption and presenting citizens with a wide range of services and cultural activities that stimulate…
The minister has held a meeting with the mayor, Candelaria Testa, to review the resources available during these festivities and has visited the 'María de la O Lejárraga' Women's House where courses are given to guide the Punto Violeta volunteers during the 2024 Patron Saint Festivities. Ana Redondo stressed that “this is a feminist model and a model to follow in advancing rights, in demanding equality; all these new elements that have been made available to citizens reinforce security and coexistence in equality, respect for women's rights.” “This morning we have proceeded to review the…
The Department of Citizen Security of the Alcorcón City Council installs a new Acoustic Security System (SARF) in the Fairgrounds, a technological tool for prevention and reinforcement of security in places with a large influx of public. This system, together with other novelties for these festivities such as emergency buttons, aims to improve prevention and reinforce security during these dates. The Councillor for Citizen Security, David López, has pointed out that “our objective for these festivities is for all the residents of Alcorcón to enjoy their city with joy and peace of mind.…
(This page is under development). Citizen participation in the cultural and educational life of residents is an essential element for the development of Alcorcón and for generating a municipality with opportunities and capacity for progress. The Citizen Participation service deals with the promotion of social entities and the active citizenship of the municipality, providing information services, advice, training and subsidies.   Establish fluid channels of communication between the city council and citizens. Strengthen the…
Activity aimed at gold card holders. Maintenance gymnastics for the elderly is a generic, individualised gymnastics, the main objective of which is to improve and maintain the physical conditions for daily life, delaying ageing. is the improvement and maintenance of physical conditions for daily life, delaying ageing. It encourages communication and relationships between people, occupying their time and helping to improve their autonomy. The activity takes place in the Los Cantos Sport Center and in the La Canaleja Sport Center. Esta actividad tiene un precio de 10 euros para…
Es el órgano máximo de gobierno de la ciudad y de representación de la ciudadanía. El último miércoles de cada mes, se celebra un Pleno en el que se reúne toda la Corporación Municipal (los 27 concejales electos), asistidos por el Secretario y el Interventor General, en sesión pública, para discutir y votar los asuntos más importantes que afectan a la ciudad: los presupuestos de cada año, los proyectos que se van a llevar a cabo, las normas que regirán el propio funcionamiento del ayuntamiento y de la convivencia ciudadana. El Pleno está presidido por la Alcaldesa o por…
Social and cultural area The powers delegated to the Youth Department of Alcorcón Town Council cover, in general, all matters that affect the youth life of the municipality. However, the following specific areas are attributed to it: Competencias Las competencias delegadas a la Concejalíason: Programación, promoción, gestión y seguimiento del Centro Joven Yolanda González. Centro de Información y Documentación Juvenil (C.I.D.J.A.L.). Centros Juveniles. Campamentos, albergues, excursiones, actividades de ocio y tiempo libre y actividades formativas de la…
traffic cuts Road cut due to the celebration of the Three Kings Parade 2023. Date: January 5 Time : From 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (approximately) Route: Avda. Libertad – C/ Carballino – Avda. Alcalde José Aranda – Avda. del Oeste- Avda. las Retamas - C/ Alfredo Nobel and C/ Mayor, ending in Plaza de España. More info: https://www.ayto-alcorcon.es/es/programacion-navidad-2022-2023 It will also be affected by the cut, with the completion of the Parade, Calle la Iglesia, until the removal of all the floats. From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and from 9 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Calle…
The facility occupies an area of 55,010 m2 located in the district of San José de Valderas in which activities of the Department of Sports are carried out: Activities for the Elderly and activities of Local Entities with Authorisation for Use of the facilities: basketball, artistic gymnastics, tennis, paddle tennis, dance, zumba, pilates, maintenance gymnastics and toning and for this purpose it has the following facilities: An Indoor Pavilion with three-thirds division. An outdoor multi-sports court. An Olympic Shooting Room. Two multi-purpose rooms. Two Squash Courts. Nine…