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Aerial images Back to Retrophotographs   Alcorcón City Council Area 1997-2023 South Ensanche Zone 2004-2022 Móstoles Avenue in the section between Leganés Avenue and Bellasvistas Street 1992-2022 Montoro Street (interior garden) 1979-2024 Los Castillos 1944-2023
Buildings Back to Retrophotographs   Instituto de FP. Prado de Santo Domingo (Avda. de Esteban Márquez, 3) 1980-2023  Parroquia de San Juan de Mata 1980-2022 Centro Unificado de Seguridad 2021-2023. C.P. Giner de los Ríos 1981/ CEPA Valle Inclán 2024
General Information In operation since 1977, and after several moves, in 2007 the Municipal Archive of Alcorcón was installed in the Nejapa City Building, sharing space with the Nejapa City Library. In the Archive you can consult historical and administrative documents, as well as take copies of the documents, both in paper and digital format. Interested parties must submit a Request for Access to Archive Documents to the General Registry of the Alcorcón City Council, either in person or through the Electronic Office . Another option is to use the state Electronic Registry . The…
NOTICIAS Y EVENTOS EMPRENDIMIENTO JOVEN Legal Notice The virtual assistant based on Artificial Intelligence ( AI hereinafter) created by the Alcorcón City Council, (Ada hereinafter), is subject to EU legislation ( Regulation EU 2024/1689 ) which establishes harmonized rules on AI. The EU AI Regulation, in line with the values of the European Union, aims to promote the adoption of human-centred and reliable artificial intelligence (AI). In line with this objective, the Alcorcón City Council has created its virtual assistant Ada. Within the four risk levels of AI systems…
From this Department, programs are developed whose objective is the promotion of the well-being of people, the prevention of risk situations and the compensation of social support deficits, focusing its interest on the factors of vulnerability or dependency that, due to natural or unexpected causes, They can occur at each stage of life and translate into personal problems. The Department integrates the municipal areas of Social Services and Public Health composed, in turn, by different departments and specific services. Public health This department offers services that…
Projects English Project. ICT and English project. Health Education. Emotional Education. Road Safety Education. Management Team Present Jiménez del Castillo (Director) Contact mail gloriafuertes46@telefonica.net AMPA: ampaeeiigloriafuertes@gmail.com print Fax. 916128962 C/ Islas Cíes, 2, 28924, Alcorcón, Madrid
Actions of the Alcorcón City Council financed under the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan This tab (or section) shows general information as well as all the subprojects and lines of action in which the City Council, in its capacity as executing entity, has obtained funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, approved by Regulation (EU ) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of February 12, 2021, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, approved by Agreement of the Council of Ministers of April 27, 2021…
Streets and places Back to Retrophotographs   Forges Square 2000-2023     Alamo Street 1970-2022 Las Retamas Station 2001-2023 San José de Valderas Station 1980-2024 La Tahona 1981-2024 Avenida Las Retamas (IES Prado de Santo Domingo) 1997-2025 Avenida de las Retamas 16, 1997-2024
Culture, participation and art are hallmarks, spaces for creation and diversity, opportunities for development and social cohesion. The city of Alcorcón deserves to occupy an important space as a benchmark for cultural action in the Community of Madrid and the rest of Spain. With this mission, the department considers the following objectives. Facilitate access to culture for the entire population, quantitatively and qualitatively improving cultural consumption and presenting citizens with a wide range of cultural services and activities that stimulate cultural demand. Stimulate cultural…
  Este 2025 nace el Laboratorio de Innovación del Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón. Un espacio en el que pensar diferente, aportar y crear proyectos que puedan ayudarnos a ser más ágiles y mejorar nuestros servicios a la ciudadanía. No importa tu conocimiento sobre tecnología o herramientas nuevas. Hemos venido a aprender y a aprovechar el conocimiento de todos y cada uno de los empleados de este Ayuntamiento para llevar Alcorcón al próximo nivel. ¡Te esperamos! NOTA: Ya se ha convocado la primera sesión para los primeros inscritos, igualmente puedes apuntarte…
¡ Llega el II Torneo de Pádel del Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón ! Inscríbete solo/a o en pareja y disfruta de una tarde de pádel con tus compañeros y compañeras. Este año concentraremos los partidos y lo haremos en formato pozo. Jugarán diez parejas por día. Ocho parejas en simultáneo y dos parejas descansan. Si las inscripciones superan el número de parejas permitidas por días, se ampliará la competición a la siguiente semana. ¡ Nos vemos ! ¡¡ Si vienes con pareja importante que la inscripción la realice solamente uno de los dos !! ¡¡ Importante…
Introducción En la actualidad, la actividad física constituye uno de los principales factores implicados en la mejora de la salud. La evidencia científica señala que, practicada con regularidad, tiene múltiples beneficios en todas las personas, sin embargo, cada vez hay más personas que no se mueven lo suficiente y esto se debe, en gran parte, a que hemos cambiado nuestro estilo de vida hacia un modelo más sedentario. Hay muchos estudios que han valorado las consecuencias de no realizar actividad física. Se sabe, por ejemplo, que la inactividad física es el cuarto…
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum…
The Municipal Civil Protection Group of Alcorcón bases its principles on the free, disinterested and altruistic collaboration of the citizens of the municipality in case of serious risk, catastrophe or public calamity, principles that are framed within the public duties of citizens in the Spanish Constitution. It is currently made up of 45 volunteers who are attached to the Department of Security, Internal Organisation and Citizen Services, reporting directly to the Mayor's Office and integrated within the Emergency and Citizen Security services as well as the Municipal Technical Service of…
Official Twitter accounts Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón @aytoalcorcon Policía @policiaalcorcon Bomberos @alcorconbombero Protección Civil @Pcivil_alcorcon IMEPE @imepealcorcon Esmasa @esmasalcorcon Juventud @JuventudAlcorco Parques, Jardines y Protección Animal @ppyjj_panimal Mayores @mayoresalcorcon Educación @AlcorconEduca Infancia Alcorcón @Infancialcorcon Feminismo y LGTBi Alcorcón…
Polideportivo Los Cantos, s/n
The Municipal Consumer Service It is a local resource where the different powers in consumer matters aimed at the defense and protection of consumers are developed and its main function is consumer protection through information, advice, mediation and market surveillance. . Consumer Inspection The items that are offered for sale and the services that are offered to the consumer must comply with a series of regulations so that the consumer is duly protected. In order to ensure this protection, the Alcorcón City Council has services that inspect and…
And despite everything she has experienced, she is the smile of CIPA This time we introduce you to Cora who is, as her name indicates, all heart <3 She loves to run and play with her ball. She is a happy, affectionate and very, very obedient dog, as she is always attentive to the orders of the person accompanying her. Her story is very sad, as she was abandoned in a house that was occupied for a time and when they left there, they left her without looking back. Cora is already older and needs a home where she will be cared for and where she can give all the love she has to share. She is a…
One of the most beautiful and affectionate cats that reside in our CIPA   This is Seitan and she is as beautiful inside as she is outside. She is pure love and purring. She is just over a year old, she is very sociable, playful and when she looks at you with those big green eyes you can't help but die of love. We invite you to come and meet her so you can see that we are not exaggerating even a little. Call us at CIPA to make an appointment and give Seitán the opportunity to be happy again in a warm, loving home.
In the area of security, the competencies consist of drawing up and updating emergency plans for the whole city, as well as the daily attention to the security of the citizens by the different services, assigning the necessary personnel. Municipal Police: Management of the Municipal Police and its members, establishment of the general guidelines for action of the Security Services, coordination with the other services of the council, among others. Fire Service: Direction and management of these matters and its personnel, setting objectives, approving action plans, sending troops and…