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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum…
Founded in 2011 and as a need to offer the practice of this wonderful sport in the modalities of swimming and water polo to the residents of our city and to all those who wanted to be part of this great project, and that, thanks to an agreement with the City Council of Alcorcón, we achieved the necessary space in the Municipal Pool of Prado de Santo Domingo, becoming an aquatic and social reference in our community.
With several possibilities of learning or training, being part of our competition team, our small but great school or enjoying with the family on weekends, we cover all phases…
We have teams in all categories and levels, from BabyBasket to 1st National Division. Any girl who wants to play only has to contact us and we have options for all of them according to their conditions.
Avenida los cantos, s/n
First Deputy Mayor
Primer Teniente de Alcaldesa
Concejal de Seguridad, Organización Interna y Atención Ciudadana.
Coordinación del Área de Gobierno.
Gestión de las concejalías delegadas.
Tipo de retribución: Salario bruto anual
Importe: 68.913,89 €
Licenciado en Geografía e Historia. UCM
Magíster Gestión de Empresas de Salud y Servicios Sanitarios. UCM.
Técnico Superior Prevención Riesgos Laborales. ISTAS.
Personal Laboral Servicios Provinciales de Informática Diputación de Madrid.
In the area of security, the competencies consist of drawing up and updating emergency plans for the whole city, as well as the daily attention to the security of the citizens by the different services, assigning the necessary personnel.
Municipal Police: Management of the Municipal Police and its members, establishment of the general guidelines for action of the Security Services, coordination with the other services of the council, among others.
Fire Service: Direction and management of these matters and its personnel, setting objectives, approving action plans, sending troops and…
Reuniones informativas
A lo largo de los meses de febrero y marzo, la concejalía de Transición Ecológica realizará una serie de reuniones informativas con técnicos del ayuntamiento para aclarar las posibles dudas que puedan surgir en relación a las ayudas para la rehabilitación energética de edificios. Estas se realizarán en los entornos susceptibles de recibir las ayudas:
TORRES BELLAS: 26 de febrero a las 19h en las canchas Jota Mayúscula, C/Maestro Victoria, 24.
VÍRGEN DE ICÍAR - UNIVERSIDAD POPULAR: 6 de marzo a las 19h. Calle Ávila con Calle Virgen de Icíar…
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum…
Mayor's Office - Presidency
Appointment: July 10, 2019 Direct and immediate support to the body for which it provides services, through coordination tasks, assistance or advisory functions.Mayor's Office - PresidencyDegree in Journalism (Complutense University of Madrid) Press and Communication Coordinator of the Alcorcón City Council (since July 2019). Coordinator and Assistant Municipal Socialist Group in the Alcorcón City Council (2011-2019). Media management, press and communication. Administrative functions. Communication Technician in the Press and…
Un certificado digital es un archivo firmado electrónicamente por una entidad certificadora que acredita la identidad del titular y asocia al mismo un par de claves: una pública y otra privada (esta última solo en poder del titular del certificado).
Así mismo, los certificados digitales gracias al proceso de firma electrónica aseguran la integridad de los contenidos intercambiados entre las partes intervinientes. Existen distintos tipos de certificados digitales. Los de persona física se utilizan para las gestiones electrónicas realizadas a título personal por los…
Information and registration office:
In this office you can carry out the necessary formalities to register for the sports activities offered by the Department of Sports, apply for the
activities offered by the Department of Sports, apply for the gold sports card and obtain general information about the Department.
about this Department.
To contact this office you can write to the following e-mail address infodeportes@ayto-alcorcon.es and to
telephone numbers 911 12 73 60 and 911 12 73 61 from Monday to Friday (except holidays) from 08.30am…
30 years of Basketball
The idea of creating the club came from a group of parents of the pupils of the Municipal Basketball School of Alcorcón, who, due to their age, had to leave the school at that time.
In June 1989 the Club was registered in the Registry of Sports Associations of the Community of Madrid with registration number 2031.
The main idea and activity of the Club is the development and promotion of basketball in Alcorcón.
MetroSur and Suburban: Alcorcón Central
Plaza del Tejar, 9 28921 Alcorcón
General Information
In operation since 1977, and after several moves, in 2007 the Municipal Archive of Alcorcón was installed in the Nejapa City Building, sharing space with the Nejapa City Library. In the Archive you can consult historical and administrative documents, as well as take copies of the documents, both in paper and digital format.
Interested parties must submit a Request for Access to Archive Documents to the General Registry of the Alcorcón City Council, either in person or through the Electronic Office . Another option is to use the state Electronic Registry .
Introduction "When you see smoke coming out of the town of Alcorcón, don't think they bake bread; pots and pans are” (Popular children's song) Alcorcón, located about 13 kilometres from the capital, and which is today one of the most representative cities of the Community of Madrid, was until the middle of the 20th century, a small town at the gates of the capital. Today, together with Móstoles, Leganés, Getafe and Fuenlabrada, they form the so-called Gran Sur. The 1955 census indicates 1,028 inhabitants and 959 legal inhabitants, a population that tripled in the 1960…
Note. Page under revision of formats and contents. Is it necessary to make an appointment for any procedure at the City Hall? Yes. It is necessary to request an appointment for any procedure that is going to be carried out at the City Hall, this can be obtained on the website itself . by telephone through 010 or 916 648 100 (if calling outside of Alcorcón) or in person at our administrative offices in Pza de los Reyes de España Nº 1 Only the issuance of registration certificates will be attended without an appointment, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. What are the Town…
The powers of the Department of Sports focus on the development, development and promotion of sport, healthy lifestyles and competitive sport. To fulfill its mission, the council is responsible for maintaining the municipal sports facilities in good condition, providing a wide range of sports activities for citizens, collaborating with the city's sports clubs, developing and promoting competitive sports and to manage sports schools.
Alcorcón en Movimiento
Alcorcón en movimiento es una iniciativa cuyo objetivo es reunir los diferentes proyectos o…
Secretary General of Podemos Alcorcon.
Concejala de Cultura, Participación y Mayores
Tipo de retribución: Salario bruto anual
Importe: 66.999,62 €
Bachillerato (IES José de Churriguera).
Estudios en programación informática.
Formación montaje y reparación en micrordenadores.
Promotora en Igualdad de género.
Limpiadora de interiores
Dependienta departamento informática (Galerías Preciados).
Oficial 1ª en Reparación y Mantenimiento de Ordenadores y redes informáticas.
Responsable de formación laboral en CC.…
Regional Deputy and Coordinator of @PodemosCMadrid. Second Deputy Mayor
Concejal del Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón
Tipo de retribución: Salario bruto anual.
Importe: 66.999,62 €.
EGB (Colegio Virgen De Los Remedios).
Bachillerato (IES Ítaca).
Estudios en Administración y Dirección De Empresas (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos).
Estudios en Trabajo Social (Universidad Complutense De Madrid).
Peón de obra.
Trabajador de Correos.
Barrendero, peón de recogida y conductor de la limpieza (ESMASA).
Militant of PCE and IU
Estudios en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología
Hostelería, Cocinero en Distintos Establecimientos
Institutional Headquarters Town Hall
Contact information
place Plaza de España, 1 - 28921 Alcorcón, Madrid
phone 916 64 81 00
Administrative Building Town Hall
Continuous customer service and schedules
General Register
query_builder From Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
query_builder From Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
query_builder From Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
phone 916 64 82 69
email omic@ayto-alcorcon.es
query_builder From…
Executive staff
Appointment: July 30, 2019 Functions of a general director of the Department of Services to the City, which manages the Municipal Services Company of Alcorcón (ESMASA) which is in charge of: waste collection street cleaning interior cleaning Municipal tow truck service traffic light maintenance Electrical maintenance Source maintenance. Promotion of sustainable coexistence habits in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) contained in the 2030 agenda.Type of remuneration: Gross annual salary Amount: €62,900Graduate in Political Science and…