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Head of the Territorial Political Action Area of PSOE Alcorcón
Concejal de Parques y Jardines
Estudios en Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración
31 años como Jefe de Administración en el Patronato Deportivo Municipal
8 años como Jefe de Administración en el Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón (en la actualidad en Servicios Especiales)
Concejal de Parques, Jardines y Protección Animal. Legislatura 2019-2023
Socialist municipal group
Natalia de Andrés del Pozo
Daniel Rubio Caballero
Sonia López Cedena
Miguel A. González García
Joanna M. Arranz Pedraza
Raúl Toledano Serrano
Candelaria Testa Romero
Miguel A. Palacios Retamosa
Victoria Meléndez Agudín
Plaza de España, 1
Email: gmpsoe@ayto-alcorcon.es
Telephone: 91 112 79 80
Ganar Alcorcón municipal group
Jesús Santos Gimeno
Raquel Rodríguez Tercero
Rosana Zarapuz Puertas
Carlos Carretero Rodríguez
David López Martín
Plaza de España, 1
Email: gmga@ayto-alcorcon.es
Telephone: 91 112 79 86…
PSOE militant
Alcaldesa de Alcorcón
Licenciada en Economía por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, año 2006.
Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, año 2006.
Máster en Necesidades, Derechos y Cooperación al Desarrollo en Infancia del Instituto Universitario de Necesidades y Derechos de la Infancia de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, año 2012.
Abogada perteneciente al Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid, ICAM, año 2010. Despacho propio en 2015. Acceso al turno de oficio en la rama civil en…
Law 12/2022, of December 21, on Social Services of the Community of Madrid establishes the benefits of the public system of social services with a universal character and accessible under the conditions provided for in this law and in its specific regulations. The benefits are classified, by reason of their nature, as guaranteed and conditional and, by reason of their content, as service and economic benefits.
Social benefits are aimed at promoting autonomy, preventing dependency, promoting coexistence and the protection of children, social integration and the quality of life of…
Alcorcón en bicicleta y patinete
El Ayuntamiento de Alcorcón apuesta por un modelo de transporte sostenible, una alternativa eficaz y barata frente al vehículo privado, que pasa por el uso de la bicicleta y el patinete como vehículos no contaminantes y propone crear carriles bici segregados al tráfico, o ciclocalles en su defecto, que formen un tejido de vías de comunicación adaptadas entre los diferentes barrios, los principales lugares de interés social, así como otros medios de transporte públicos, integrando el uso de bicicleta como un vehículo de transporte apto de…
This is the administrative unit of Alcorcón Town Council that receives and processes suggestions, complaints and thanks from citizens related to municipal services in our town.
The Office for the Management of Suggestions, Complaints and Acknowledgements is not responsible for managing the following areas: Sanctions, Omic, Personnel, Suppliers, Property Claims and Taxes. For these matters and all other information related to the Town Hall, you can call the following telephone number 916 64 81 00 (service 010).
Suggestions and/or complaints shall not, under any…
En caso de que tenga que realizar algún trámite presencial, aproveche el desplazamiento para obtener su CERTIFICADO DIGITAL y evitarse desplazamientos futuros.
IMPORTANTE. Con anterioridad a desplazarse al Ayuntamiento para validad su identidad, deberá Solicitar primero el Certificado Electrónico desde su ordenador y la correspondiente cita previa.
Acceda directamente a la Sede Electrónica para realizar sus trámites on-line
If you need to carry out any formalities in person at the administrative building, in order to avoid waiting times and protect public…
Completa el siguiente formulario, gracias.
Abierto hasta el 6 de febrero de 2025
La Junta de Gobierno Local de Alcorcón es el órgano del Ayuntamiento que, bajo la presidencia de la Alcaldía, colabora de forma colegiada en la función de dirección política que a esta corresponde y ejerce las funciones ejecutivas y administrativas que le atribuyen las leyes y que hacen posible la gestión diaria de la ciudad: proyectos de ordenanzas y reglamentos, concesión de licencias, contrataciones, aprobación de gastos, oferta pública de empleo, aprobación de los instrumentos de planeamiento, nombramientos y todas aquellas establecidas en la Ley 7/1985, de 2 de abril…
Get to know us The Municipal Archive is a general and transversal service of the Municipal Administration. Its functions include the systematization of the City Council's document management and the collection, organization, dissemination and conservation of documents generated by the municipal administration in any format, both digital and analog. It also accepts collections from residents and institutions that may be of relevant interest to the history of the municipality. The Municipal Archive is also a founding member of the Group of Archivists of the Community of…
Selection of images from the Archive These are some of the graphic documents that we have in our collections. Clicking on the image will take you to a full-size version.
The Archive tells you... Learn about the history of Alcorcón from the Archive. Here you will find texts related to the history, life or buildings of our city. Click on the images to access a selection of texts. The rest can be consulted using the drop-down menu below.
Collaborations In this section we are including contributions received by the Municipal Archives that deal with the history or aspects of…
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum…
The Municipal Archive in numbers
Our Statistics:
4.692 Linear meters of capacity 1.809 Questions received and answered in 2023 2.613 Followers in X 143,209 Descriptive sheets of documents in the Archive manager 12 (36.96 m/l) Transfers of paper documentation received in 2023, from the administrative units of the City Council 906 Square meters of surface 23.832 Documents digitized since January 2023 1,770 Digital plans from January 2023 31.479 Final archive boxes 201 Boxes of photographs 17.88 m/l Documents expurgated after approval by the CAM Archives Council…
The Municipal Consumer Service is a local resource where the different competencies in consumer affairs are developed, aimed at the defence and protection of consumers, and its main function is consumer protection through information, advice, mediation and market surveillance.
Consumer Information Office (OMIC)
The OMIC (abbreviation of Oficina Municipal de Información al Consumidor) carries out activities for the defence and information of consumers.
Its main functions are to provide information, guidance and assistance to consumers and…
Check out the evolution of the city of Alcorcón through photographs that capture the before and after of some of its places. We have created a series of montages using the online application Juxtapose from the KnightLab of Northwestern University in Chicago. To see the two images you have to slide the arrow that appears in the middle of the image from right to left or from top to bottom.
We have organized them by topic. We hope you enjoy them.
Consultation of documents in the Municipal Archive The consultation of documents is free and has no other limitations than those derived from the nature of the document, its conservation and the current legislation. If the consultation refers to documents that may contain personal data or other data reserved by law, supporting documents must be presented to demonstrate the legitimate interest in said documents. To consult the files of private works, for example, documentary evidence must be provided of the interested party, either by being the owner, tenant, neighbouring…
We want to publicize the different publications related to Alcorcón and the different resources that exist on the networks for a better understanding of our municipality. For ease of reference, we have divided this section into three sections: Books : dedicated to those books, published by the Alcorcón City Council or by other authors, that can offer a vision of the life or history of our municipality. Periodical publications : periodical publications such as, for example, the Municipal News Magazine or Bulletin, which, under different names, was published in paper from…
Document management We bring you a selection of manuals, brochures, infographics, etc., prepared by the Municipal Archive, with the aim of explaining basic concepts of document management to all our users.
Regulations of the Municipal Archive of Alcorcón The Regulations of the Municipal Archive of Alcorcón, approved in 1998, provide guidelines for the management and preservation of the documentary heritage of the city of Alcorcón.
This building also houses the Municipal Archive of Alcorcón. It was opened in 2006. The name Ciudad de Nejapa corresponds to the twinning that the municipality has with the town of El Salvador, with which the City Council of Alcorcón developed various cooperation projects.
It consists of five rooms, all of them independent. With lending and consultation services of books, audiovisual and multimedia material of direct access, reading and consultation of magazines and press. With user training for infant, primary and secondary education.
C/ Los Robles esq. C/…
Contact e-mail address:
C/ La Iglesia, 7, 28921 Alcorcón, Madrid
Mail contact:
Avda. Ministro Fernández Ordóñez c/v Avda. El Pinar s/n 28924, Alcorcón, Madrid
and why Ada? My name, ADA, has a special meaning that combines history and modernity. First of all, it is a tribute to Ada Lovelace , recognized as the first programmer in history. In the 19th century, Ada wrote the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine, thus laying the foundations of what we know today as programming. Her vision and creativity have inspired generations of developers and technology enthusiasts, and I am proud to bear her name. Like her, I aim to innovate and make technology accessible to everyone. ADA also stands for " Ayuntamiento d e…
Culture, participation and art are signs of identity, spaces for creation and diversity, opportunities for development and social cohesion. The city of Alcorcón deserves to occupy an important space as a benchmark for cultural action in the Community of Madrid and the rest of Spain. With this mission, the conception considers the following objectives.
Facilitate access to culture for the entire population, quantitatively and qualitatively improving cultural consumption and presenting citizens with a wide range of services and cultural activities that stimulate…
Classification Chart
The Classification Chart is a consultation tool that reflects the organization of the documentary collection and provides essential data on its structure.
Michel Roberge defines the classification system as a hierarchical and logical structure that reflects the functions and activities of an organization, functions that generate the creation or reception of documents. In short, it is a system that intellectually organizes information and allows documents to be placed in their relationships with each other to form what is generally called files.…