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The Municipal Consumer Service is a local resource where the different competencies in consumer affairs are developed, aimed at the defence and protection of consumers, and its main function is consumer protection through information, advice, mediation and market surveillance. Consumer Information Office (OMIC) The OMIC (abbreviation of Oficina Municipal de Información al Consumidor) carries out activities for the defence and information of consumers. Its main functions are to provide information, guidance and assistance to consumers and…
Health Week Program 2023
Origin of the Alcorcón Municipal Police force The official creation of the Alcorcón Municipal Police was produced by agreement of the plenary session of the city council dated May 17, 1965, which called for the creation of an urban guard post. The inauguration took place on February 1, 1966. Since then, Alcorcón has had a bailiff, two municipal watchmen, an urban police watchman and two business and neighborhood watchmen for its safety. The Alcorcón Municipal Police force has grown in accordance with the needs of the population and the functions that have been assumed in…
civil protection service The Alcorcón Municipal Association for Civil Protection (AMPCA) bases its principles on the free, disinterested and altruistic collaboration of the citizens of the municipality in case of serious risk, catastrophe or public calamity, principles that fall within the public duties of citizens in the Spanish Constitution itself. Currently, the AMPCA, is made up of 40 volunteers who are attached to the Department of Security, Internal Organization and Citizen Attention with direct dependence on the Mayor's Office-Presidency and integrated into the…
fire service PAGE IN MAINTENANCEStructure and organization chart PAGE IN MAINTENANCEincident notifications In this section we will communicate the most important notices and incidents.
From the PPYJJ area, we work to sustainably maintain, increase and improve our green infrastructure, which has more than 21,000 street trees and 340 ha of green areas. These improve the quality of the environment, people's health and are a meeting point for neighbours where sporting and cultural activities take place. Woodland The management of urban trees includes trees located in streets, green areas and forest parks in the municipality. There are currently 21,000 trees in streets, 27,000 in parks, to which must be added those in the Las Presillas…
Mail contact: bibelpinar@ayto-alcorcon.es Avda. Ministro Fernández Ordóñez c/v Avda. El Pinar s/n 28924, Alcorcón, Madrid
Contact e-mail address: bibmdelibes@ayto-alcorcon.es C/ La Iglesia, 7, 28921 Alcorcón, Madrid
This building also houses the Municipal Archive of Alcorcón. It was opened in 2006. The name Ciudad de Nejapa corresponds to the twinning that the municipality has with the town of El Salvador, with which the City Council of Alcorcón developed various cooperation projects. It consists of five rooms, all of them independent. With lending and consultation services of books, audiovisual and multimedia material of direct access, reading and consultation of magazines and press. With user training for infant, primary and secondary education. bibcnejapa@ayto-alcorcon.es C/ Los Robles esq. C/…
C/ Fuente Cisneros, s/n, 28922, Alcorcón, Madrid
The centre pays tribute to Margarita Buron, a resident of Alcorcón, who died in Ethiopia while working as a volunteer in a reforestation project. With her memory, the intention is to recognise the work of all volunteers in Alcorcón. Inaugurated in December 2008, its main objective is to convert the centre into an open space for meetings, training and leisure, with the active participation of neighbourhood associations and residents. Among the services available at the centre, with more than 2,000 square metres, is a theatre with 104 seats. It has a wide and varied range of courses and…
The Los Pinos Civic Centre is located in the neighbourhood of La Retamas, next to the Parque de la ribota, in the street that gives it its name, and its vocation is that of a neighbourhood centre that aims to respond to the different audiences that seek to develop their personal growth in different areas in this cultural space. In this centre, the active participation of all the neighbours of the area is sought and the DISTRICT COUNCIL Nº3 is located there. In this centre, participation is sought, where a great social and cultural activity converges as it is a meeting place for its closest…
This centre takes its name from the neighbourhood in which it is located and runs a programme of courses and workshops aimed at adults, families and children. It works in collaboration with different neighbourhood associations. The centre has almost 900 square metres in which, in addition to the classrooms, there is a theatre with 126 seats, where conferences and recreational activities are held. The centre also has a library belonging to the network of libraries of the Community of Madrid and Alcorcón City Council, with a reading and consultation room and lending library for adults, young…
Título Garantizar que la política cultural municipal atiende a toda la ciudadanía; atender a las particularidades culturales de las poblaciones por edades, género, multiculturales o diversas capacidades, así como garantizar el equilibrio territorial entre los distintos barrios de la ciudad. Revitalizar la amplia red de infraestructuras culturales de las que dispone el municipio, con un plan de mantenimiento y rehabilitación; dotándolo de las inversiones necesarias para que sean accesibles y eficaces, y respondan en su funcionamiento a un plan general y a los proyectos…
In recent years, the feminist movement in Spain has become a fundamental social agent, making visible all the structural inequalities suffered by women and denouncing violence against women, a scourge that has already caused hundreds of deaths. With the creation of this council, Alcorcón leaves behind years of institutional indifference towards the struggle of women and contempt on the part of some municipal representatives towards feminism. Although we have already made considerable progress, there is still much work to be done. For this reason, this council was born with the commitment to…
The Municipal Consumer Service It is a local resource where the different powers in consumer matters aimed at the defense and protection of consumers are developed and its main function is consumer protection through information, advice, mediation and market surveillance. . Consumer Inspection The items that are offered for sale and the services that are offered to the consumer must comply with a series of regulations so that the consumer is duly protected. In order to ensure this protection, the Alcorcón City Council has services that inspect and…